Memory Addressing Techniques
Immediate Addressing involves storing data in pairs with immediate values register pairs:
Immediate Addressing ~ Examples #1 ~ load the B register with 12 and the C register with 34
Immediate Addressing ~ Examples #2 ~ load the D register with 54 and the E register with 32
Immediate Addressing ~ Examples #3 ~ load the H register with 45 and the L register with 67
Direct Addressing assigns the contents of a memory location to a register what we have seen so far
Direct Addressing ~ Examples #1 ~ load the accumulator with the contents of address 1234
Direct Addressing ~ Examples #2 ~ store the contents of the accumulator at address ABCD
Indirect Addressing involves loading and storing information in the accumulator information in the accumulator is received from register pairs
Indirect Addressing ~ Examples #1 ~ store the contents of registers B and C in the accumulator
Indirect Addressing ~ Examples #2 ~ load the accumulator with FF and store the contents of the accumulator at memory location 2040