What is an Energy Source (or Resource) ?? A resource that humans use to produce energy. For example fossil fuels are energy sources. Also, nuclear, solar, and wind are a few examples of energy sources.
Kinds of Fossil Fuels include: Oil Coal and Natural Gas.
FACT Fossil Fuels were formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
FACT Most of the energy that people use comes from what energy source? Fossil Fuels
A Non-Renewable Energy Source is: A resource that can not be replaced as quickly as humans use it.
A Renewable Energy Source is: An energy source that is replaced – we will not run out of it.
Can a Renewable Energy Resource ever become Non-Renewable? Yes. You bet it can! If people start using it faster than it is naturally replaced we can run out of it !!!
An Alternative Energy Source is: Energy Sources other than Fossil Fuels.