1Texas Nodal Texas Nodal NMMS Planning Model Management TPIT NMF Meeting By Doug Evans, ERCOT February,
2Texas Nodal Planning Functions using NMMS results of survey Stakeholder decision for NMMS - TPIT or not TPIT –PMCR currently contain approx 8 data fields that are in TPIT –NMMS software can output TPIT for TSP review On command by TSP At start of quarterly update –NMMS will not contain TPIT project cost data TSP response and further discussion needed –LCRA combine TPIT with NMMS PMCR – 1 data field not needed –CNP explore combining TPIT with NMMS, examine each data field at NMF. Process development needed beyond PMCR. –CPS combine if TSP maintains data and utilize spreadsheet format for data entry. 15 out of 33 data fields not needed. Wants documentation of uses for all fields. –TXU ED Would cause large changes to internal processes for TPIT update. 20 out of 33 data fields not needed.
3Texas Nodal TPIT in NMMS – Current Plan TPIT will be voluntary –Benefits Will not have to enter data in two places Company templates to fill in most fields Quarterly TPIT updates will only require TSP to fill in cost data TSP can output their portion of TPIT data at any time No Change to TPIT fields at this time All are stakeholder requests and must be changed through stakeholder process
4Texas Nodal Planning Functions using NMMS First, if you have not already, sign up on the NMFG list. – Second, the website: – Finally, my Questions?