© Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 1 Begin your journey to the new IT operating model for the New Style of IT Let HP help you adopt an IT value chain-based approach to transform IT into a broker of services to the business HP IT Value Chain Discovery workshop HP Transformation Workshops This Pre-Sales assessment is designed to provide an understanding of end-to end Enterprise IT Management disciplines & performance. Take the 1 st step & assess one of the four IT value streams (Strategy to Portfolio, Requirement to Deploy, Request to Fulfill, or Detect to Correct) in your organization from “current state” to “value gap of technology & investment utilization” to “recommended state for closing the value gap.” Contact your HP sales representative to initiate or These HP Services workshops are grounded in IT4IT TM value chain principles. They are Interactive and slide- free using a collaborative methodology that is tailored to your unique IT environment. The result you leave with are the key focal points & strategy direction to start your IT transformation. How to get started with a business value chain based IT operating model from HP IT4IT TM is a trademark of
© Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 2 IT Value Chain Security managemen t Automation orchestratio n & cloud Business service managemen t Portfolio managemen t Application lifecycle managemen t Application mobilization IT service managemen t Operating model for the new style of IT Designed for leveraging technology and paradigm shifts Cost Returning value ROI Collaborative Faster delivery with cross-domain agility Optimized Unleash IT innovation across a prescriptive IT value chain Insightful Gain value with better decision data Value Why start the value chain journey today? Created by enterprise customers, partners, vendors Open Group IT4IT TM Forum members include: HP, IBM, Microsoft, Shell, Achmea, AT&T, Munich Re, PwC, Atos, Accenture, CapGemini, ExxonMobil, BP, Philips, Raytheon and more Credible Roadmap with predictable time to value Prescriptive integration across the IT value chain Ask your HP sales rep how to get started with an IT Value Chain Discovery workshop or HP IT Mgmt Transformation Workshop Practical Strategic Thought leadership for IT innovation A value chain & reference architecture for IT Transform to the New style of IT Leveraging business value chain success Where integrated IT value streams deliver higher value than silos Value streams Efficiency & Agility Finance & assets Intelligence & reporting Resource & project Governance, risk and compliance Sourcing & vendor Requirement to Deploy Detect to Correct Strategy to Portfolio Request to Fulfill IT Value Chain PlanBuildDeliverRun Reference Architecture Support activities End-to-end integrated reference architecture proactively detect issues and to correct them before impacting users define your strategy to balance and broker your portfolio prioritize every requirement to build/source the best services and deploy them handle each request by streamlining the process to fulfill it Off er Plan Sour ce Pla n Build Deliv er Mana ge Ru n IT4IT TM is a trademark of The Open Group