Continuing Education & Training Service (CETS) Securing Funding and Resources Jenny Johnson
About CETS A local authority secured provider of adult learning and is the main provider of adult and community learning in Croydon One of the largest adult services in the country part time courses to approximately 15,000 learners Courses at 9 main centres during the day and/or evening as well as at over 40 community and outreach venues.
My Role Before CETS worked for 12 years in FE Last role in FE was Programme Manager responsible for all part-time ICT courses with over 1000 learners each year. Role in CETS as Deputy Head of Faculty of the Student Support Services & Community Learning Faculty involves most aspects of ICT within the service Includes being responsible for the ICT Operations, Management Information Systems and as well as being the senior manager with responsible for ILT/e-learning across the service.
CETS ILT Strategy – Learners The vision of CETS is that all of its learners (individual, groups and community groups) should have the opportunity if they so wish to enhance their economic, social and personal development through appropriate access of ICT learning resources and materials, teaching support and information.
CETS ILT Strategy – Staff The vision of CETS is that all of the staff should have the opportunity if they so wish to enhance their work practice through appropriate access of ICT resources and materials
Meeting the challenge of Funding and Sustainability – CETS’ Approach Appointed a Senior Manager with responsibility for ILT/e-learning Strategic leadership with a shared vision and ownership of plan Formed an ILT Strategy Group with membership across the service including Heads/Deputy Heads of Faculty
Implementing the Vision – internal funding Identified a budget for ICT/e- learning Identified staff to train as e-guides & provided a budget to support them Improved technical support – created an ICT Operations Team
Implementing the Vision – external funding Early adopter for the JANET link Minor capital works funding used for upgrading network topology and wireless network SENDDA funding used to improve accessibility to ICT in classrooms and to purchase specialist hardware/software to support disabled learners
Implementing the Vision – external funding Successful bids: TACL CACL 1 & 2 Treacl 3 Infrastructure funding
Implementing the Vision – Staff Development Peer Support Grant E-guide cascade programme Provided a range of e-learning staff development opportunities
Elements of a successful bid Shared vision and commitment Being innovative Emphasis on teaching and learning with less emphasis on infrastructure and technology Uses e-learning to enhance and extend the curriculum offer
The Future? SMT, Senior Manager & ILT Strategy Group to: Revisit and update CETS ILT Strategy Set a SMART action plan with ongoing monitoring and review Make the most of ALL funding opportunities
Activity One of the key factors in the successful for securing funding and sustainability within CETS has been the ILT Strategy Group In groups consider what the terms of reference of such a group in your organisation might be