The Beginnings of Industrialization Industrial Revolution- Great increase in machine production that began in England in the 18 th century Enclosure- Large.


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Presentation transcript:

The Beginnings of Industrialization Industrial Revolution- Great increase in machine production that began in England in the 18 th century Enclosure- Large closed-in field for farming Crop Rotation- Planting a different crop in a different field each year Industrialization- Process of developing machine production of goods Factors of Production- conditions needed to produce goods and services Factory- building where goods are made Entrepreneur- Person who organizes, manages, and takes on the financial risk of business enterprise

Background Greatly increased output of machine made goods that began in England during the 18 th century. Wealthy landowners bought up land where small farmers worked – Dramatically improved farming methods – “Agricultural” Revolution – Led to Industrial Rvolution

Agricultural Revolution Wealthy landowners enclosed their land with hedges or fences – Experimented with new farming methods – Forced smaller farmers to move to the cities Jethro Tull – Seed Drill placed seeds at specific depths straight rows more seeds germinated

Crop Rotation Improved upon older methods of farming Replenish nutrients depleted by previous corps – Wheat to turnips to barley to clover

Why did it start in Britain? Large population of workers Natural resources – Water power and coal to fuel new machines – Iron ore to construct machines, tools, and buildings – Rivers for inland transportation – Harbors for merchant ships

Why Britain? Expanding economy could support industrialization Banking systems allowed business development Political Stability FACTORS OF PRODUCTION – Land, Labor, and Capital (wealth)

Inventions Spur Advances TEXTILES (Cloth / Fabric) 1733 – John Kay – Flying Shuttle 1764 – James Hargreaves – Flying Jenny 1769 – Richard Arkwright – Water Frame 1779 – Samuel Crompton – Spinning Mule 1787 – Edmund Cartwright – Power Loom 1793 – Eli Whitney – Cotton Gin

Other Advancements James Watt – improved the steam engine 1764 Robert Fulton – Steam driven boat Clermont “Macadam Road” Expansion of Rail System