08 th Meeting of the Working Group on Flood Management and Climate Change Adaptation Kiev, Ukraine 13 December 2013 Project Overview Project: Climate Change and Security in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus This project is funded by the:
Content and Structure General Information Project Area Overall Project Aims Project Activities Next Steps Climate Change and Security in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus A project implemented by the Environment and Security Initiative Partner Organizations: This project is funded by the:
Implementation Period: – Project funded: by the EU through Instrument for Stability & ADA Contribution Agreements signed between EU & OSCE and ADA & OSCE in December 2012 ENVSEC Partners: UNEP, UNECE, UNDP, REC, OSCE Climate Change and Security in Dniester River Basin as pilot region an integral part of project for Eastern Europe, Central Asia & Southern Caucasus Project Title: Climate Change and Security in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus General Information
Project Area Eastern Europe / Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine Southern Caucasus / Armenia, Azerbaijan Georgia Central Asia / Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Overall Project Aims “to support regional stability through transboundary co- operation on adaptation to the consequences of climate change” Specific Objectives: 1.Key stakeholders in three regions better informed on security implications of climate change 2.Key stakeholders capacitated to mainstream security considerations of climate change into adaptation plans and strategies to counteract risks 3.Enhanced regional co-operation in developing climate change adaptation strategies & implementing existing ones
Overview – Main Activities 1.1 Participatory assessments of security impacts of climate change Vulnerability assessments to identify security hot-spots of climate change and to map them through: Desk studies for the three regions National and regional consultations in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus), Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus Implementing Organizations: UNEP, OSCE, UNDP, REC Project Activities
Overview – Main Activities 1.2 Dissemination of information on security impacts of climate change & required adaptation measures Preparation of materials & results from assessments for each region Public hearings/information meetings (2 in Eastern Europe – Ukraine & Moldova) Public outreach through Aarhus Centres & project website Implementing Organizations: OSCE, UNEP, UNDP Project Activities
Overview – Main Activities 2.1 Dniester river basin/transboundary climate change adaptation strategy, implementation plan & implementation of selected measures – Pilot Region Development of transboundary adaptation strategy incl. joint vulnerability assessment Development of implementation plan & resource mobilization strategy Implementation of few selected transboundary adaptation measures Climate change impacts mainstreamed into national and basin-wide water management policies, river basin management plans, etc. Share Dniester adaptation strategy as best practise example Implementing Organizations: OSCE, UNECE Project Activities
Overview – Main Activities 2.2 Training of key stakeholders on security impacts of climate change and adaptation measures Development of training syllabus based on assessment & pilot adaptation phase (Dniester river basin) Training of stakeholders on unified methodology for regional Climate Risk Assessment (how to identify hot spots, results of the Dniester pilot projects as illustrative materials) Training on preparation & implementation of an adaptation strategy Implementing Organization: REC Project Activities
Project Responsibilities ENVSEC Partners: OSCE (Lead), UNDP, UNEP, UNECE, REC OSCE responsible for overall project co-ordination UNEP leads assessments on security impacts of climate change Implementing Organizations: UNEP,UNDP, OSCE, REC UNECE leads pilot adaptation strategy development Implementing Organizations: UNECE, OSCE REC leads training component Implementing Organization: REC OSCE leads public outreach components Implementing Organizations: UNEP, UNDP, OSCE UNDP key role in assessments & public outreach in Central Asia
Next Steps of project implementation - Ukraine and Moldova Assessment of Hot-Spots December Finalization of Draft Background Papers to assess and map vulnerable sites in regard to security implications of climate change especially in a transboundary context February Participatory Assessments through national consultations in Ukraine and Moldova April / May 2014 Participatory assessment through regional consultation in Ukraine Dniester river basin - Pilot Region Further developing strategic framework for adaptation incl. prioritization of adaptation measures & implementation plan Next working group meeting in Moldova, 2nd quarter 2014 Next steps
Transboundary Co-operation Dniester River Basin Dniester Pilot Project as best practise example for other river basins: