Where does AT fit in Transition Planning Process? Measurable Post-Secondary Goals Present Levels of Academic Performance – Evaluation Results – Academic Achievement, Functional Performance and Learning Characteristics – Social Development – Physical Development – Special Considerations Transition Needs Annual Goals Programs and Services Coordinated Set of Activities
Measurable Post-Secondary Goals Though you won’t be adding information about AT into the Measurable Post-Secondary Goals section, you should always keep in mind WHERE THE STUDENT WANTS TO GO to inform other sections
Present Levels of Performance (PLP) Evaluation Results – What assessment/ evaluation/ data exists to support the student need for the AT? – Is there data that shows how the student’s performance improves with the use of AT? – Evaluation data should be ongoing User needs change Environments Change – Assists with referrals to adult domains
Academic Achievement, Functional Performance, and Learning Characteristics – Why the student needs the AT to make progress – How does AT impact the LRE environment? – How AT improves the functional performance of the student – What AT training needs does the student or the parent have? – How comfortable is the student with AT? – How does AT tie in with the future goals of the student? – How can AT support the student’s strengths, interests and preferences? PLPs
Social Development – How the AT device allows the student to function better in social interactions with peers, adults, authority figures – How does the AT device allow the student to better interact with people? Physical Development – How does the AT device allow the student better physical functionality – How does the device allow the student to better navigate their physical environment and demands of the environment Management Needs – Specific listing of what AT is required under environmental modifications or material resources – Are Human Resources needed to allow the student access/ support with regards to AT
6 Student Needs Relating to Special Factors – Communication Needs Does the student need a particular device or service to address his/her communication needs? Yes – No For a student who is deaf or hard of hearing, does the student need a particular device or service in consideration of the student’s language and communication needs, opportunities for direct communication with peers and professional personnel in the student’s language and communication mode? – Yes – No – Not Applicable
7 Student Needs Relating to Special Factors – Assistive Technology Does the student need an assistive technology device and/or service? – Yes – No If yes, does the committee recommend that the device(s) be used in the student’s home? – Yes – No
Transition Needs What NEEDS does the student have in relation to what they want to do when the exit school? – Employment – Education/Training – Independent Living How can AT help them achieve THEIR goals? Do they need additional instruction in use of their device? Do they need to learn to accept their recommended AT and use it in their future settings? Do they need to use their device to make progress in general ed settings Do they need to learn to advocate for their needs as adults in different settings?
Annual Goals What SKILLS does the student need to develop and how can AT help the student develop those skills. “Using an adapted computer keyboard, Rachel will type 12 words per minute with no errors over 10 or more consecutive trials” AT is NOT A GOAL – AT SUPPORTS GOALS
10 Service or Device Needed to Address Special Considerations Any assistive technology devices or services needed for the student to benefit from education, including the use of such devices in the student’s home or in other settings as identified in the PLP or under “Special Considerations,” must be documented under the section of the IEP “Recommended Special Education Programs and Services”
11 Example: Assistive Technology Devices and/or Services
Coordinated Set of Activities The Coordinated Set of Activities are activities that are designed to help prepare students for their post-secondary goals. – Mandated by IDEA for students in NY 15 years and older. – Should be a COORDINATED TEAM effort. – Happen the year the IEP is in effect. – School/Agency responsible for the activity needs to be listed. – Should incrementally move students toward their goals.
Instruction What instruction does the student need so they can optimize the use of their device? For instance: ADA vs. IDEA vs. 504 Common AT Accommodations for Independent Living, Learning, and Earning. Self-Advocacy/Self-Determination skills to request accommodations. How to creatively use technology that exists in most businesses to meet needs (PDAs, cell phones, GPS) How to use text to speech to text, etc. When is the AT needed or not Their specific disability needs
Related Services Speech – Communication Skills OT – Fine motor skill needs – Specific job requirements – Organizing themselves in settings PT- – Mobility issues – Specific Job Requirements Counseling – Advocacy training – Overcoming anxiety/ resistance to using devices
Community Experience What does the student need to access their community? Examples may be…. – Learn to advocate for reasonable accommodations in community setting – Learn about assistive technology that may be available (TT phone, accessible websites, companies ) – Learn about agencies that may be sources of funding/support/training for devices that may be necessary in future (ex, ACCES-VR, ILCs) – Field trips to colleges to see what services are available or learn how to request services in the future – Training from community providers that offer support
Development of Employment and Other Post-School Objectives – Learn about reasonable accommodations – Complete a Transition and Assistive Technology Transition Planning Assessment – Develop an AT portfolio – Task analysis to determine the requirements of jobs the individual is interested in.
Acquisition of Daily Living Skills – Activities to promote the transfer of the AT device from school use to home use. – How can AT promote leisure activities? – How can AT be used to foster independence in travel? – What will they need in order to live as independently as possible?
Functional Vocational Assessment Defined as: Assessment of real/simulated work experiences Can be used to show the student, adult agencies, and potential employers performance discrepancies with and without devices Rate performance without device Rate performance with device Prove student is capable of performing tasks with equipment!!