Future Activities: Design and Methodology Arnab Ganguly Project Coordinator CUTS Calcutta Resource Centre
Major Inferences CSOs are not well equipped with issues in the electricity sector in general and issues of RE and DSM in particular Need to generate greater awareness about the cost, availability, financial assistance and any other issues linked to RE products Absence or poor quality of After Sales Service for RE products is a major issue facing the RE consumers in West Bengal In the modern age of high end gadgets, complete energy demand of consumers is not being met by RE, therefore RE consumers are looking for an opportunity to shift to the conventional grid (76% of the offgrid consumers) Lack of awareness among farmers on the availability of Solar Pumpsets for irrigation Need for regulations especially for offgrid DDG projects to ensure long term sustainability
Major Inferences Concept of Energy Efficiency is limited to CFL and Tubes ---- Need to broaden consumers’ understanding and knowledge Lack of awareness about the benefits from Energy Efficient products There is a need to generate awareness among stakeholders on how to identify Energy Efficient Products
Major Activities Ahead State Level Paper RG Meeting Territorial Training – 10 CSOs Consumer Interface Meetings – 20 nos. State Level Advocacy Meeting
Major Activities Ahead State Level Paper RG Meeting Territorial Training Consumer Interface Meetings State Level Advocacy Meeting
Major Activities Ahead State Level Paper RG Meeting Territorial Training Consumer Interface Meetings Final Consumer Survey State Level Advocacy Meeting
How can we synergize the inferences and the Training program Linking findings from the baseline survey with the training needs for the CSOs and design the sessions accordingly. Issues that will be covered in the training programs – – Problem of Climate Change, how it is linked to the use of Fossil Fuel and why RE is important – Available regulations/Acts on RE and DSM and scope for CSOs engagement – Overview of some of the Renewable Technologies available in the market and their price and financial assistance if available – Need for Demand Side Management and judicious use of electricity – How to identify energy efficient technology across different stakeholder groups – Overview of the electricity sector and role of CSOs especially how they can participate in the process of tariff determination – Overview of some of the regulations in the electricity sector – this will help the CSOs to effectively participate in developing regulations for the DDG projects
Methodology for the Training Program Participants – 10 Partner CSOs will be participating – One Senior staff from each of the CSOs will be requested to participate in the training along with two others staff who will be the master trainers for the CIMs – Invite CSO members from few other districts as well to ensure greater reachout of the project Selection of Resource Person – Subject experts - in consultation with RG, DREC team, CRCs own expertise and network Numbers – 2 training workshops (2 days each) Developing training material in local vernacular language Simulation exercises will be introduced to make things interesting
Expected Outcome Clarity of understanding among the CSOs on the following issues – – Overall understanding of the Regulatory Structure & relevant regulations pertaining to the electricity sector – Acts/Regulations on DSM and RE – Role of CSOs in the electricity sector and how to effectively engage in the policy making process – RE technologies available for different category of stakeholders, their price and financial assistance (if available) – Available Energy Efficient Products and How to identify them – Benefits of using energy efficient products Clarity of understanding on Why and How to take up energy issues How to plan and approach the next set of activities under the DREC project
Major Activities Ahead RG Meeting Territorial Training Consumer Interface Meetings Final Consumer Survey State Level Advocacy Meeting
Consumer Interface Meetings The territorial training program will create a cadre of Trainers These trainers will then go and make others aware about the following – – Need for DSM and RE in the context of Climate Change and Global warming – How to identify Energy Efficient Products – Overview of some of the Renewable Technologies available in the market and their price and financial assistance if available – Overview of the Regulatory structure in the electricity sector and how consumers can participate in the decision making process Each of the local partner will organise two CIMs – one in Urban area and One in Rural area The CIMs will have participants from different stakeholder groups belonging to diverse educational background and income group
Expected Outcome Greater awareness among grassroots stakeholders on the probable impact of Climate Change and need for RE Greater awareness among consumers on issues pertaining to RE and DSM Better understanding among consumers on how to identify Energy Efficient products and benefits from using them Understanding among CSOs on how to build capacities and raise awareness amongst the target stakeholders on energy issues
Major Activities Ahead RG Meeting Territorial Training Consumer Interface Meetings Final Consumer Survey State Level Advocacy Meeting
Remaining Activities Final Consumer Survey will be conducted after the Consumer Interface Meetings Findings from the Baseline survey and Final Consumer Survey will go into preparing the advocacy document Following this the State Level Advocacy Meeting will be organised with participation from Policy Makers and CSOs