Beijing Roundtable on Innovation Policies Beijing, October 2011 Public research institutions in Italy: change and continuity Sveva Avveduto Director, Italian National Research Council, Institute for research on population and Social Policies
Relevant Research Institutions CNR is the biggest Other relevant ones under the Ministry for Research: INFN (Particle and Nucl. Phys.) INAF (Astronomy and Astrophysics) INGV (Geophysics and Volcanology) Under other Ministries, e.g. ENEA (Energy), ISS (Health), INEA (Agriculture)
Mission of CNR 3 To perform research in its own labs To promote innovation and competitiveness in the industrial system To promote the internationalization of the research system To provide technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs To advise Government and other public bodies To contribute to qualification of human resources
CNR figures Full range of scientific areas, except Particle Physics, Space and Astronomy/Astrophysics Premises widespread over the country 7400 employees of which 4400 researchers 2500 junior scientists completing their training Wide cooperation with universities and other research institutions
Trieste 1 Trento 1 Padova 4 Venezia 2 Milano 7 Pavia 2 Segrate 2 Genova 2 Torino 2 Pallanza 1 Moncalieri 1 Bologna 3 Cassana 1 Parma 1 Faenza 1 Sesto Fiorentino 5 Firenze 3 Pisa 7 Monserrato 1 Cagliari 1 S. M. La Palma 1 Ancona 1 L’Aquila 1 Roma 18 Monterotondo 5 Bari 5 Lecce 1 Napoli 12 Avellino 1 Ponticelli 1 Pozzuoli 3 Ercolano 1 Potenza Mangone 1 Arcavacata di Rende 1 Rende 1 Catania 1 Messina 1 Palermo 1 Perugia 1 Porano 1 CNR premises
CNR 20 research campuses Pisa Bologna
CNR Finance Incomes Euro/mil State Contribution 552 Other Incomes 248 Total 800
Survey OECD Respondig Organizational Units of Public Research Institution
Which activities?
Share of national total 113 institutes / % of national total
Significant change of: % Mission16.9 Organisation structure38.3 Portfolio of activities8.4 Relationships with other R&5.2 Funding structure14.3 Steering and management16.9 Total100.0
Causes and drivers of change
Appearance of change by: % Growth of institute14.6 Reduction of institute2.5 Merger of institute20.9 Split-up into several institutes3.8 Larger research groups12.7 Smaller research groups3.2 Additional scientific fields14.6 Reduction of scientific fields3.8 Institutionalised collaboration8.2 New management15.8 Total100.0
The activities in the field of science are... (Response rate 70.8%)
During the last 10 years the volume of the activities in the field of science are.... (Response rate 68.1%) increasedsamedecreased Natural Sciences Engineering and Technology Medical and Health Sciences Agricultural Sciences Social Sciences Humanities Trans and Multidisciplinary
To what degree is the institute internationalised? % valid high middle low missing values 60.2 Total100.0
Degree of change (Response rate 54.0 %) increasedsamedecreased Number of international partners Numbers of countries with established relations Share of international joint research projects Share of funding from abroad Share of staff with foreign nationality Participation in international committees
Reasons for changes: Number of international partners % Access to knowledge7.1 Exploitation of knowledge16.1 Globalised organisation of R&D42.9 Economic needs7.1 Strategic considerations21.4 Political will1.8 Other3.6 Total100.0
Current ownership and governance structure Mission: top management of org.b 40.4% Strategic planning: Management of institute 50.0% Research orientation/agenda:Management of institute 32.6% Portfolio of activity structure: Top management of research organisation 45.7% Selection of projects Management of institute 35.0% Use of public institutional funds: Management of institute 59.6% Use of public competitive funds: Project management 39.5% Use of contracted funds: Project management 55.6% % Public agency92.0 Independent public agency6.0 Publicly owned company2.0 Privately owned limited company- Independent foundation- Total100.0
What do you expect to be the main challenges of your institute in the next 5 years
Thank you for your attention