How to use save codes with TaLe and TaLe4Students 15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange |
15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange | TaLe4Students is a new resource discovery service for Year 7 to 12 students in NSW Public Schools.
15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange | TaLe4Students features: A simple keyword search with contextual help.Search filters by Years 7-10 or Easy to read results linked directly to resources.Google or Wikipedia results that match the topic. Resource links can be saved or ed to other students. Save codes giving quick access one or more resources. A personal space for students that can be accessed from any location.
How TaLe4Students can be used… By students as a research tool for independent study and for group work. They can: Search for resources Create bookmarks and resource lists By teachers as a teaching tool for class activities and assignments. They can use save codes to: Give students quick access to resources found on TaLe. Share bookmarks and resource lists. 15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange |
15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange | TaLe and TaLe4Students work together by the use of save codes. A save code is a five character code found in TaLe that can be used to open a resource or list of resources in TaLe4Students. Save code FIND USE
15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange | Resource codes start with the letter ‘X’ followed by four letters and numbers and look like this X03A5 A save code can be found in search results, My saved items and in resource access pages.
15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange | Save codes are also created for resource lists in TaLe and resource folders in TaLe4Students. Resource list codes start with the letter ‘L’ followed by four letters and numbers and looks like this: L32EC.
15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange | Teachers can share one resource with students X0018 A save code entered into TaLe4Students opens the resource
15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange | Teachers can share resource lists with students. L01DD A list code entered into TaLe4Students opens a resource list
15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange | Students can share personal folder lists with other students. L01QQ A folder code entered into TaLe4Students opens a resource list
15/12/2015Teaching and Learning exchange | Teachers DET Teacher Portal (My Applications) TaLe home page Resource access pages My saved items Students DET Student Portal TaLe home page Teachers and students can login to TaLe4students at: or from one of these access points