Training a Pastoral Team I. The job description of a pastor is very comprehensive. It includes the following: A. Getting to know the sheep personally. B. Helping bring the people of God to maturity and into their place of function.
Pastors are to: 1. Stir-up 2. Encourage 3. Comfort 4. Pray for 5. Admonish 6. Exhort 7. Counsel 8. Teach
C. Maintaining personal disciplines that can serve as an example to the flock. This includes: 1. Personal study in the word 2. Personal prayer life 3. Family times 4. Home in order 5. Good neighbor 6. Balanced life
D. Providing assistance in emergency situations. This includes such things as: 1. Baby showers 2. Wedding showers 3. Hospital visitation 4. Moving 5. Widows/Fatherless/Elderly 6. Ministry to poor
7. General emergency situations (night calls)
E. Being available for counsel when needed. 1. Job/Vocational 2. Finances 3. Pre-Marital 4. Family crisis 5. Breaking power of sin 6. Confrontation 7. Ministry/Function
F. Providing specialized ministry to various groups. 1. Children 2. Teens 3. Single 4. Single Parents 5. Divorced 6. Elderly
G. Being sensitive to new prospects. 1. Evangelism/follow-ups 2. Visitor follow-up 3. Altar work
H. Providing training for current and future leaders. 1. Personal Contact 2. Study Times 3. In depth counseling 4. Impartation of vision
I. Providing general pastoral services. 1. Wedding planning assistance 2. Funeral arrangements 3. Retreats / Special events
J. Providing oversight for every area of the church. 1. Small Groups 2. Ushers 3. Greeters 4. Education 5. Outreaches 6. Youth 7. Young Adults
8. Nursery 9. Audio/Visual. 10. Music/Choir 11. Taping 12. Administration 13. Food Service 14. Custodial/ Maintenance 15. Secretarial 16. Missions
L. Being available for many other tasks. 1. Meetings 2. Hospitality 3. Further education QUESTION: HOW LARGE DOES A CHURCH HAVE TO GET BEFORE THESE RESPONSIBILITIES ARE TOO MUCH FOR ONE PERSON?
II. The Need for Team Ministry If the pastor is to succeed in the ministry he will have to make the building up a pastoral team a high priority. A. The need was felt by Moses (Ex. 18:17- 26). Jethro suggested three things: 1. Get back before the Lord in prayer, taking the needs of the people to God.
2. Take up the mantle of a teacher and teach the entire congregation the principles that you are using in counseling. 3. Delegate authority to others and bring them into your ministry according to their skill and ability levels.
B. The need was felt by Jesus (Mark 6:35- 44; 3: 13-15; Luke 6:12-13) C. The need was felt by the Early Church (Acts 6:1-6; 14:23; 20:17; Tit. 1:5).
III. Developing a Pastoral Team A. What is a team? A team is “Two or more beasts of burden harnessed together to perform a specific work or function.”
B. What are the advantages of the team concept? 1. Accomplishment (Eccl. 4:9; Deut. 32:30; Mt. 18:19) A team can accomplish more toward a goal than a single individual or even two individuals. 2. Safety (Eccl. 4:10; Pro. 11:14) A team can provide safety and accountability in ministry.
3. Complementary MINISTRY (Eph. 4:11- 12) A team can demonstrate the principle of body ministry before the people. 4. Testimony (Deut. 19:15) 5. Companionship (Mark 3:13-15) A team can become a source of great personal strength and fellowship.
C. What qualities make up a good team? 1. Talent 2. Faithfulness (I Tim. 1:12; II Tim. 2:2) 3. Mutual Submission 4. Unity and Agreement (I Cor. 1:10) 5. Common Vision and Goals 6. Teamwork
7. Communication 8. Relationship 9. Commitment
D. What are the marks of a good team member? 1. Factors that should serve as “green lights” when selecting team members. a. Faithfulness in all areas. b. Humility when corrected or adjusted. c. Willingness to serve in menial areas. d. High level of personal integrity.
e. Responsiveness to your preaching and teaching. f. Genuine love for people. g. Sensitivity to the needs of others. h. Continual personal growth. i. Successful relationship on the personal, family and occupational level. j. Strong hunger for the Lord and the Word of God.
2. Factors that should serve as “red lights” when selecting team members. a. The opposite of all the above. b. Inability to keep confidences. c. Hasty in decision making. d. Constant poor judgments (even after instruction). e. Aggressive and domineering in relationships.
f. Emotional instability. g. Pushing for promotion and recognition. h. Constantly on the wrong side of decisions. i. Continual conflicts with those under their charge. j. Continual justifying and blame shifting.
E. How does one develop a good a pastoral team? 1. Have a vision for a good team. 2. Choose the right kind of talent. 3. Spend time with your team members at work and at play. 4. Teach them your ways. 5. Give appropriate assignments. 6. Keep lines of communication open.