EASiHE Gary Wills Bill Warburton Lester Gilbert E-Assessment in Higher Education A JISC project in Institutional Innovation
2/18 The brief Address institutional change by engaging academics and students in co-design and co-deployment. Place the quality of student learning as the first objective. Implement an open source 1 solution to institutional e-assessment. Integrate open standards 1 services currently available within the JISC eFramework. The project addresses technical and institutional issues in formative e-assessment by deploying the EdSpace repository and integrating a variety of JISC-funded project tools and standards. 1 Koper, R. (2008). Open Source and Open Standards. In J. M. Spector, M. Merrill, J. van Merriënboer & M. P. Driscol (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge.
3/18 Formative e-Assessments
4/18 EdShare
5/18 Quality metrics
6/18 Interoperable, accessible, mobile
7/18 ‘New’ e-assessment
8/18 Existing assets
9/18 Web 2.0
10/18 Duration & staffing Duration Start October 2008, fully funded 18 months From March 2010, institutionally funded 12 months Project staff Onjira Sitthisak, Project Manager Susan Walters, Research Fellow David Bacigalupo, Research Fellow Bart Nagel, Research Assistant Pei Zhang, Research Assistant Steve Bennett, Veronica Gale, Consultants
11/18 Investigators Management group Dr Gary Wills, ECS, PI Dr Bill Warburton, iSolutions, CAA Officer Lester Gilbert, ECS Steering group Management group, plus: Dr Richard Crowder, ECS Exams officer Dr Hugh Davis, UoS Director of eLearning Dr Ian Giles, LATEU Director Dr Pete Hancock, iSolutions, Core Mission Engagement Manager
12/18 Collaborating projects EdSpace / EdShare (Dr Hugh Davis, ECS) AQuRate (Dr Graham Alsop, Kingston) Faroes (Dr Dave Millard, ECS) LexDis (Dr Mike Wald, ECS) MCQFM (Dr Steve Bennett, Univ. Hertfordshire) mPLAT (Dr Dave Millard, ECS) Peer Pigeon (Dr Dave Millard, ECS) Question Mark (John Kleeman) Macfob (Dr Mike Wald, ECS)
13/18 Schedule
14/18 Tasks (first 6 months) M1-2 Co-design Technical and cultural & institutional requirements for change Processes and information Identify schools which will participate (initial targets include Medicine, Law, and Mathematics, later Electronics and Computer Science, Engineering, Geography, and Psychology) M3-6 Technical team: prototype EASiHE repository, integrate services, tools, and standards M3-6 Institutional team: engage with senior management, selected Schools, students, and other communities M6 Review
15/18 Tasks (second 6 months) M7-8 Co-deployment. Selected users (staff and students) supported (technical team) and educated (institutional team) (facilitated by consultancy) M9 Evaluation M10-12 Technical team: Adjustments and enhancements M10-12 Institutional team: Support culture and practice changes, prepare for larger-scale deployment M12 Review
16/18 Tasks (after 12 months) M13-16 Co-deployment. Six Schools, Semester 1, supported (technical team and institutional team). Document emerging practice (facilitated by consultancy). M17 Evaluation M18 Review M19-30 Embedding. EASiHE embedded within the University infrastructure, made available to all Schools.
17/18 Deliverables EASiHE repository and services Documentation on pedagogical design of e-assessments and on e-assessment management policies Dissemination materials & reports, including co-design and co- deployment, institutional change, & exemplary practice Project Web site, blog, & wiki Final project report Journal & conference papers on re-use of e-Framework services, incorporation of MathQTI, student experience of EASiHE, institutional change, & benefits of Web 2.0
18/18 Thank you! Questions, comments, discussion…