Give as One 2015 John Deere Unit 90 United Way Campaign
To improve lives and make a positive impact in our community by mobilizing people and resources 2015 Unit 90 Campaign 2 Campaign Dates September 14th – October 9 th Goals 60% participation $1.6 million 2,000 Day of Caring participants
To improve lives and make a positive impact in our community by mobilizing people and resources 2015 Unit 90 Campaign – NEW this year! 3 1:1 John Deere Foundation match on ALL new dollars First-time donors Increases in pledges from prior year John Deere Foundation covers ALL admin costs! 100% of every dollar collected goes to employee’s chosen charity
To improve lives and make a positive impact in our community by mobilizing people and resources Before you pledge, consider this: 4 You may designate your pledge to ANY human services 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Does not need to be a United Way agency Does not need to be located in the Quad Cities You may exclude any agency from receiving a portion of your pledge. Mobile access available at
To improve lives and make a positive impact in our community by mobilizing people and resources Online Auction 5 Opens September 21, 6 a.m. Closes October 2, 2 p.m. Vacation homes, dinner dates, cooking class, John Deere merchandise, Fitbit Charge HR Open to all Quad City Deere employees UnitedWayAuction/
To improve lives and make a positive impact in our community by mobilizing people and resources Days of Caring 6 HostEventDate United WayCommunity-wide Day of Caring 17 Sept CLOSED Sam AllenHabitat for Humanity build 26 Sept
To improve lives and make a positive impact in our community by mobilizing people and resources Why support United Way? 7 United Way targets 3 key building blocks of opportunity: Education Income Health Every $1 invested = $2.50 returned to community! Addressing these issues means we all win!
Give as One Together we can create lasting change