Total Energy Solutions HCPA Conference
Overall aims why we are here what we do how we can help next steps
About us Specialise in reducing energy costs Experienced in care sector
0100,000200,000300,000400,000500,000600,000 Age (yr BP) Temp. in F° CO 2 Concentration After 45 More Years of current energy use patterns Today’s CO 2 Concentration CO 2 [ppmv]
Impact on businesses energy price rises increasing overheads legislation
Energy broking electricity or gas lower prices less hassle free service
Care Sector knowledge of sector unaware of potential savings fearful of ‘sharks’
“Total Energy saved us a whopping 30% on our Electricity Bill and it didn’t cost a penny! That means our elderly Residents will benefit and that’s even better news” Michael Young, Chairman, Abbeyfield Hertfordshire
“Within a week of getting in contact with Total Energy Solutions, I had a new contract for my gas supply saving me over 35%. No hassle, no fuss, just a great service. I recommend you give them a try.’ Nigel Cumberland Bramble Lodge
The process contracts letter of authority copy bills termination
“Total Energy Solutions saved us over 30% on our gas spend. All I had to do was print and sign a letter of authority and it along with a bill. I chose a new contract that saved me over 30%. It was that easy. I will definitely use them when my electricity becomes due.” Christine Harrington Director Cardinal Clinic
“Total Energy Solutions have sorted out our utility contracts across all four of our homes, not only getting great deals for us but managing all the paperwork and making what is usually a troublesome experience, easy and hassle free. I would certainly recommend their services.” Graham Elliott Director Downing Care Homes
The process letter of authority and bills prices choice contract
Your questions so far
Other services sorting queries meters energy saving
“We met Total Energy Solutions last year at the Bournemouth Care Show. Their service so far has been excellent. As well as getting us very good prices, they have also sorted out several metering problems. I recommend you give them a try” Neil Phillips Group Business Analyst Signature Senior Lifestyle Ltd
Next steps on-going relationship newsletter energy clinic responding to your feedback
….reducing the burden of energy for business