Helping People Help the Land
The NRCS* Web Soil Survey What is it, and how do I use it? Jerome J. Korol, PhD NRCS State GIS Coordinator USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. *Natural Resources Conservation Service NW GIS Conference, Boise, Idaho. October 20, 2011
Thank you !!
A brief NRCS history lesson In 1933 the USDI Soil Erosion Service was established, lead by Hugh Hammond Bennett. It was partly in response to the great Dust Bowl. 2. In 1935 congress established the Soil Conservation Service as part of the USDA. A major goal was to reduce erosion on private agricultural lands. 3. In 1994 the SCS was renamed the NRCS to better reflect it’s larger mission. 4. Currently, the NRCS oversees one of the world’s largest soil databases, covering more than 95% of the counties in the US. 5. There are 75 years of experience and data available for you on the web.
Are there any soil scientists in the house ?
Before you begin...
Status Map: live data from Soil Data Mart Available Soil Survey Data October 12, 2011
Windows 7 is now supported For large datasets (e.g. county)
Windows 7 is now supported Even works with Windows Vista, but no apps.
Available documentation
A Three-step Process
1. Define your AOI
Helping People Help the Land
AOI is currently limited to 10,000 acres
2. View and Explore
Helping People Help the Land
2. View and Explore
Helping People Help the Land
Helping People Help the Land 3. Check Out FREE
Helping People Help the Land
But I want the data...
Helping People Help the Land
Helping People Help the Land The NRCS* Web Soil Survey Jerome J. Korol, PhD NRCS State GIS Coordinator USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. *Natural Resources Conservation Service NW GIS Conference, Boise, Idaho. October , 2011