Europe, Asia, the Americas, etc… cause they were hunter-gatherer nomads Homo Sapiens arise in East Africa somewhere between 150, ,000 years ago – the migrate to Europe, Asia, the Americas, etc… as they follow herds/food/seasons… Why? – cause they were hunter-gatherer nomads
Cave Art – seen in Paleolithic Era Found in Lascaux Caves in France
Stone Hedge located in England Bronze Age Archeological Site
Catal Huyuk on Asia Minor Neolithic Settlement
Cuneiform = Sumerian Writing System – 1 st in the world - written on clay tablets Hammurabi’s Code = 1 st written law Code “Eye for an Eye”
Ziggurat – Sumerian Temple dedicated to Chief Gods of Each City-State
Papyrus Hieroglyphics – Ancient Egyptian Writing – written on Papyrus
Rosetta Stone – translates Hieroglyphics
Pyramids at Giza – located in Egypt – Tombs to the Pharaohs
Phoenician Alphabet
Persian Empire
India’s Caste System HinduismBased on Occupation India’s Caste System – Rooted in Hinduism (Based on Occupation)
from India to China and rest of Asia Spread of Buddhism from India to China and rest of Asia by ASOKA (Indian Emperor)
Indian #’s with ‘0’ Arabs Adopt Europeans Adopt
Great Wall – located in China – built to keep out northern invaders
Chinese symbol representing balance and harmony Yin and Yang = Chinese symbol representing balance and harmony
Silk Roads = Trade Routes from China to Constantinople and Mediterranean Sea
Indian Maritime Trade Routes
Navigation: -Compass -Astrolabe -Lateen Sail
Parthenon = Temple to Athena – located on the acropolis of Athens Pericles – Athenian Leader during Golden Age – constructs Parthenon
Statue of Athena in the Parthenon Statue of Zeus at Olympia Statues made by Greek Sculptor named Phidias
Greek Columns
Roman Roads = Connected Roman Empire
Other Road Systems! Right Right = Incan Empire Below Below = Persian Empire
Roman Aqueduct = carried water into Roman cities Roman Arch = used to save building materials, strong too…
Pantheon = Roman temple to the gods Roman Dome
Roman Coliseum – had gladiator games to entertain Roman Citizens
Twelve Tables (Roman laws) Roman government, religious and social life (“downtown”) Roman Forum = Twelve Tables (Roman laws) publically displayed here – it is also the center of the Roman government, religious and social life (“downtown”)
Anglos and Saxons migrate to England Franks migrate to France Huns invade and split the Goths- push them further into Roman territory
Byzantine Emperor JustinianConstantinople Hagia Sophia = built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian, located in Constantinople
Mosaic = tiny pieces of glass or metal that are arranged carefully to create a larger image Used in the Byzantine Empire and in Islamic Art
Byzantine Mosaics Theme = Christianity
Islamic Mosaics
-St. Basil’s Cathedral -Located in Moscow, Russia -Uses “Onion Domes” in its construction Russian Cyrillic Alphabet
Kaaba – located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia = holiest shine for Muslims
Arabic Calligraphy *Arabic is the language of Islam unites Islam *It unites Islam in its earliest days and helps spread it too
Islamic Empire Map
Dome of the Rock = Mosque that is located in Jerusalem
Vikings migrate from Scandinavia Magyars migrate from Asia to Central Europe (Settle in Hungary)
Medieval Manor Based on Self- Sufficient Farming Medieval Castle
Mid East to Europe Water Wheel (Mid East to Europe)
Wind Mills (Mid East to Europe)
Gothic Architecture
Leonardo Da Vinci
Johannes Gutenberg’s Printing Press
ChinaCentral AsiaIslamic Empires MesopotamiaRussia…! Map of the Mongol Empire – largest ever - Mongols terrorized China, Central Asia, Islamic Empires in Mesopotamia, and Russia…!
Shinto Shrine – Located in Japan – Shinto is the Japanese state religion
Archipelago = Chain of Islands Korean Peninsula
Trans-Saharan Gold for Salt Trade
Civilizations of the Americas – 1.Mayans 2.Aztecs 3.Incans
Chichen Itza – Most Famous Site of Mayan Pyramid Temple
Tenochtitlan – Aztec Capitol
Machu Picchu – Most Famous Incan Archeological Site – located in the Andes mountains