Textbook Chapter 9 AC: 150/5300-13A Airfield Design Textbook Chapter 9 AC: 150/5300-13A
Airside Components Runways Taxiways (Significant changes to taxiways occurred recently. See latest FAA Advisory Circulars) * Taxilanes Apron
Airside Example
Airport Types Utility airports Transport airports Speeds < 120 knots Transport airports Speeds >121 knots
Design Aircraft Classes Based on wingspan I <49 ft II 49-79 ft III 79-118 ft IV 118-171 ft V 171-197 ft VI 197-262 ft
Runway Spacing (1/2) Runway to runway – see table 9-4 and footnotes! VFR I-IV >700 ft V, VI >1200 ft IFR Min 2,500 ft Indep Arr Min 4,300 ft Depen Arr Min 3,000 ft. Both Dep w/radar 2,500 ft w/o radar 3,500 ft
Runway Spacing table 9-14 (2/2) Prec. RWY TWY Parked 500 800 600 TWY 325 Holding area
Example only … look up specs in recent ACs Taxiways & Taxilanes* Example only … look up specs in recent ACs Side to side TWY 1.2 WS +10 TLN 1.1 WS+10 Behind (object to TWY or TLC CL) TWY 0.7 WS +10 TLN 0.6 WS+10
Apron Area Parking type All around clearance of 0.1 WS+10 Nose in Angle Parallel All around clearance of 0.1 WS+10
Example (1/2) B727-200; L 154 ft; WS 108 ft Bounds RWY TWY
Example (2/2) 1.1 WS + 10 = 129 = separation between taxiways L+(0.1WS+10)+(WS/2)=230 = distance from taxiway to terminal L=154 0.1 WS+10=21 0.6 WS+10=75=distance from CL of TW to object
Figures for ex 9-1
Figures for ex 9-1
Figures for ex 9-1
Figures for ex 9-1
Figures for ex 9-2
Figures for ex 9-2
Figures for ex 9-2
Figure for ex 9-7
Notice anything different???