With the fall of France, Germany set its sights on conquering Britain The first step was to control the skies which would allow for a landing force to cross the English Channel Germany would send waves of fighter planes across the channel to ware down the Royal Air Force (RAF)
Germany had an advantage in the number of aircraft Advanced technology of aircraft design. Many German pilots had battle experience in earlier battles in Poland, France, North Africa.
During the first phase of the battle, German aircraft would cross the channel multiple times a day. British and Canadian (Allies) fighter pilots would often fight in multiple battles each day where they were usually outnumbered and outgunned. The Allied air forces employed their own advantages...
Prior to the war, the British had invested into a new technology called Radar Utilizing this advantage, the Allies were able to see the German aircraft set up in their formations over France and where they were going. This allowed the British planes to wait on the ground until the proper time in order to save fuel
The dog fights would take place over Britain therefore any Allied pilots who were shot down could be back into another aircraft within a couple of hours German pilots were taken into POW camps. This added survivability for Allied pilots would allow them to gain valuable experience The British got more damaged planes back which could be repaired and sent back into future battles At some points of the battle, there were more planes than available pilots.
The Germans had to fly over the channel, which meant the fighters had a limited amount of fuel to fight The British planes would be able to stay in the fight longer The British fighters would have more fuel and the ability to get re-fuelled and come back
The Germans had poor strategy. In Phase 2 of the battle, the Germans switched to bombing London. Their intent was to terrorize the civilians in London it allowed the RAF airfields to recover from when they were the target earlier in the battle It also provided a fixed target that the allies could assume all bombers were heading to attack
By bombing British cities, Hitler hoped to degrade the morale of the British people It was his hope that they would push their government for peace with Germany British citizens were forced to observe blackouts at night and sleep in the subway tunnels During the day, they would resume their normal jobs and clean up from the previous nights bombing.
Britain had more able allies than the Germans This allowed the British many advantages: 1. An increased supply of men to become pilots. 2. The ability to train pilots in the safety of Canada 3. The ability to build planes in factories out of reach from German bombers (Canada)