Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Child Development Written by Shirley Perry
Positive Parenting Understand how children grow and develop
Children Need Nurturing
Praise help children feel great about themselves.
Parents must set clear limits.
Discipline must be consistent.
Discipline should be immediate and fit the misbehavior.
Parents are the source of their child’s happiness.
Frequent health checkups are important for proper growth and development.
A good idea? Why or why not?
Age Appropriate Toys Months Pulling Toys Farm Animals Puzzles with Sound Peg Board Riding Toys Stuff Animals
Age Appropriate Toys Dolls Care Bears Board Games Kitty Keyboard Vanity Sets Peek--Boo
Age Appropriate Toys 5-7 Year- Olds Board Games Tricycles Wii Fire trucks Fashion Studio Magic Kits
Age Appropriate Toys Infants Stuffed Animals No small or loose parts Soft washable and colorful books Musical Colorful mobiles
Books for Children Reading is Fun! Preschoolers The Very Hungry Caterpillar Good night Moon Corduroy I’ll Love You Forever Ages 4-8 The Polar Express The Cat in the Hat The Velveteen Rabbit The Little Engine that Could What are your favorite books? Who are your favorite authors?