Growth of Western Democracy 1815-1914 Chapter 11 Growth of Western Democracy 1815-1914
Chapter 11 This chapter is all about Democratic ____________ and ________________. We will first focus on England, France and the US Then we will look at how countries like –Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada demanded greater democratic rights from England
Britain during the 1800’s Objectives Ch. 11.1 and 11.2 1.Describe the way the British government worked 2. Why were further reforms needed in England even though they were Democratic? 3. List and describe the reforms and movements in Britain. (you should come up with 3) 4. What led to women working for suffrage rights by 1890?
British Government 1. By the 1800’s only _____% of people had the right to vote Parliament Parliament gains more control over politics. The _______________ loses control and becomes a symbol to the country House of Lords- law makers used to inherit or be appointed into their position House of Commons- Law makers voted in
Further Reforms needed England is not totally democratic Middle/lower class males and females want a part in democracy Reforms and Movements ___________________-eased property requirements for voting so that upper middle classes could vote ____________________-political group that sought the following reforms: suffrage for all men, no land holding requirements to run for parliament, parliament should be a paid position and secret ballot for voting.
Further Reforms needed cont… _______________________movement- women became more vocal and organized to protest and draw attention to themselves during the 1800’s. After WWI women in England will be granted the right to vote in national elections. More women seek voting rights as all males regardless of class were granted voting rights in England.
Victorian Era
France during the 1800’s Objectives Ch. 11.3 Describe the French Government’s steps toward reform in the early 1900’s. What was the Dreyfus Affair that occurred in France? How did racism play a role in the Dreyfus affair? What was Zionism and why did it begin?
France after 1848 Revolution Napoleon III was popularly elected Napoleon III ruled as an emperor due to “managed elections” that granted him control (on the surface though it looked like France had a Constitutional Monarchy) Disastrous wars tore down Napoleon’s popularity-failure in Mexico, Italy and Prussia Napoleon was captured by the Prussians during the Franco Prussian War
France and Reform After Napoleon III a new government emerges- The Third Republic (lasted for 70 years) President Two house legislature Prime Minister Many political parties The third republic was unstable at times and plagued by revolts and party takeovers.
French Corruption After the Third Republic was established the government was still threatened by political scandals taking over the government through the French military. The Dreyfus Affair is connected to the above information because Alfred Dreyfus was a Jewish officer in the French Army. Dreyfus was set up to look like he was selling military secrets to Germany. People felt like he would be aiding the downfall of the new French democracy. Dreyfus was sentenced to life in prison based on false evidence. Because many people were anti-Semitic they did not want the case to be reopened. Later, it was found that Dreyfus was innocent.
Result of Dreyfus Affair-Movement of Jewish people out of Europe The Dreyfus Affair showed that not just France but other countries in Europe were anti-Semitic Zionism-movement for people of Jewish descent to go back to their original homeland which is in present day Israel. The movement began due to the poor treatment Jewish people endured not only in France as demonstrated in the Dreyfus affair but throughout Europe and Russia.
Summary Groups put pressure on English and French Governments to make them more democratic to the whole population Changes in government structure were made as a result (less power to monarchies) Not all people were still treated equally even though democratic reforms were made (Jewish people, women)
Chapter 11.4 Expansion and Reform in the US Get into groups of 4 Answer the following questions about American democracy and reform You should recall this information from last year’s American 9 A The group with the best answers will receive some bonus!! These answers will serve as your notes for this section
Chapter 11.4 Expansion and Reform in the US How did the territory of the US change during the 1800’s? 2. Summarize how American democracy grew before and after the Civil War. 3. How did the US reform their economic and social conditions by the early 1900’s due to industrialization?
Chapter 11.-British Dominions Section 2 Objective What areas did Britain control and why did they give some of those areas self-rule?
British Empire During the 1800’s the British Empire was huge Britain was one of the strongest countries in the world due to industrialization Many colonies of Britain actively sought control over their own governments
Canada Background-(who colonized it and who were the original inhabitants, date) A: The _______________ first colonized Canada during the 1600-1700’s. Original inhabitants were Native Americans Reason for French and English in Canada. Why did they clash? A: The French were there first and then British settlers came. Both wanted the area for _______________. Britain took possession after the French and Indian War. The two groups clash due to cultural and religious differences. French-______________ English-Protestants Durham Report-English sent Lord Durham to investigate the problems. He suggested combing the two provinces (Quebec and Ontario) ________________________ of Canada-England makes Canada a Dominion or self governing territory
Australia A: Britain in 1788. Original inhabitants were the Aborigines Background-(who colonized it and who were the original inhabitants, date) A: Britain in 1788. Original inhabitants were the Aborigines _____________________________ A:Britain settled the land of Australia for a place to bring their ___________________________. Therefore, it was a penal colony. A place you go to serve your penalty. English settlers increase (why) A: Englishmen went to Australia for ____________________ Why did Australia want Self-Government? A:English settlers and Aborigines wanted self-rule from Britain. Australia became a __________________ during the early 1900’s. What was the status of Native People? A: natives were treated as second class citizens, moved to remote areas and killed off by diseases.
New Zealand Background-(who colonized it and who were the original inhabitants, date) A: Britain in 1769. The original inhabitants were the Maori Arrival of foreigners stirs conflict why? A: Maori feel threatened and do not want land taken away. Before, the English did not claim the land they just had few settlers moving there. Self-government- New Zealand becomes a dominion during the 1900’s due to the demand of the What was the Status of native people? A: natives were treated as ____________________, moved to remote areas and killed off by _______.
Ireland Background-(who colonized it and who were the original inhabitants, date) A: ___________________ during the 1100’s. Original inhabitants were the Irish (Celtic people) Great Famine and reason for Irish resentment- A: the Great Famine was a severe shortage of ____________________ in Ireland. Most Irish were potato farmers. The Irish rented land from the British. So, when there were not potatoes to make money from the Irish were poor yet the British still wanted rent payments.
Ireland Why did the Irish demand for home rule? A: The Irish wanted home rule (control over ____________________) Most Irish were __________________ and most English were Protestants. This means the Catholic Irish would have the majority to control local elections
Ireland cont… Reason for rebellion and division? A: Northern Ireland is still part of England today. The Southern portion is independent. England still claims the Northern part and rebellious groups have formed in protest. _______________________________
Ireland When did British control in Ireland begin? What was the great famine and why were the Irish mad at the British for the famine? What did Irish citizens demand from Britain? How did rebellion develop in Ireland? What was the end result of British control in Ireland? (Ireland divided)
Assessment Questions Australia New Zealand England Ireland Canada Why were Australia and New Z. similar How were Ireland and Canada similar? Why are all the places similar? Australia’s –national dish, population, and animals
Canada 1. Britain took Canada from what country? 2. How did Britain try to solve political tensions between the 2 groups? 3. Canada became a _______________ which is a self-governing territory. 4. What two groups of people did not get along in Canada? Is there still conflict today?
Australia and New Zealand 5. Britain went to Australia and New Zealand during the late 1700’s 6. The British made Australia a _______________ colony. 7. The native people in New Zealand are called _________ 8. The native people in Australia are called _____________ 9. Which type of people wanted self-rule in Australia and New Zealand? 10. How were the natives treated in Australia and New Zealand?
Section 2 Questions 11. The Irish bitterly resented English control during the 1100’s. True or False 12. British laws were made to limit the rights of Catholics and favor the Protestants. True or False 13. Some Irish wanted independence from Britain, others wanted home rule where the Irish would have control over local matters. 14. Rebellions and division developed in Ireland between the ________________ and ______________________. 15. The ________________ caused millions of Irish to starve and the British government made the peasants pay rent to the wealthy landowners
Review for Chapter 10 Directions: Fill in information for each place regarding their struggle for self-rule from Britain. Fill in similarities where the circles overlap between the two countries.. Australia N. Zealand Ireland Canada The above countries became _____________ of England. List 3 types of people that worked for greater reform in England and the reform they were granted 1. 2. 3. List 5 major events occurring in America during 2nd half of the 1800s. 1. 4. 2. 5. How was everyday life progressing by the 1800’s? Name 3 inventions and 3 scientific advances What led to mass culture? Name examples of mass culture.