Cotford St. Luke Primary School Refer to Summer 2015 Curriculum Plan The Sea
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea - Nursery English Writing: Giving meaning to marks Write own name Reading: See list for recommended books Enjoy rhyming and rhythmic activities Awareness of rhyme and alliteration Listening and joining in with stories and poems Begin to be aware of the way stories are structured Mathematics Number: Use some number names and language; recite numbers to 10; match number to quantity; compare two groups of objects; show an interest in number in the environment and in representing number Shape: Show an interest in shape by making arrangements with objects; show an awareness of shapes in the environment; use positional language Refer to FUNdaMENTALS Science – Ourselves Plants Geography Holidays by the sea History Holidays – past and present Music Enjoy joining in with dancing and ring games Sing familiar songs Move rhythmically Tap out repeated rhythms Explore and know how sounds can be changes MFL Finding out about other countries; say hello in different languages Art To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination. DT Boats RE Remember and talk about significant events Recognise and describe special times PE Develop gross and fine motor skills: threading; large water painting; tool bench Computing Know how to operate simple equipment
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea - FS English Mathematics Number: Recognise numbers of significance; recognise numbers to 10; count objects to 10; estimate how many they can see and use the language more and fewer; find the total number od items in two groups Shape: Begin to use mathematical names for solid and flat shapes; order items by length, height, weight or capacity and use language related to time Refer to Calculation Progression posters and FUNdaMENTALS Science – Plants Develop an understanding of growth and change Look at similarities, differences, patterns and change Geography Holidays by the sea History Holidays by the sea Past and present Travel Music Build a repertoire of songs and dances Explore different sounds of instruments MFL Spanish Little Languages Lessons Animal families Food Songs & Games Short Story Art To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination DT Boats Floating and sinking RE Unit 3 Why are some stories special? Unit 6 How do we live our lives? PE Athletics and Fielding games Computing Link to Literacy, Geography and Mathematics Complete a simple program on a computer and use ICT hardware to interact with age appropriate software Retrieve information English Writing: Link sounds to letters; use some identifiable letters to communicate; Segmenting and blending sounds in simple words Write own name and small words Reading: See list for recommended books Focus on sounds; continue a rhyming string; segment the sounds in simple words; link sounds to letters and read words in simple sentences Listening to a wide range of nursery rhymes, rhymes, poems, stories and non-fiction
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea – Year 1 English Think Say Write Read Sentence Construction and sequencing sentences to form short narratives Reading: : See list for recommended books Listening to a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction (level above ind. reading) develop familiarity with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales Develop reading comprehension skills Refer to NC AAG for Phonics and Grammar Mathematics Directions (teach through Geography) and link to Computing Shape: link to History and DT Refer to NC AAG, JC plans, FUNdaMENTALS and Calculation Progression Posters Data Handling teach through Science Science – Animals and Plants Identify, name, describe, label and compare Refer to Year 1 programme of study Geography Seaside Location Coasts History Travel Music Use voice expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes; play tunes and untuned instruments; listen to high quality live and recorded music; experiment with sounds MFL Spanish Little Languages Lessons Emotions Songs and Games Fable animals Art To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination Sea Monsters (block D) DT Boats PE Athletics and Fielding games Computing Link to Literacy, Geography and Mathematics algorithms; following instructions; create a program; debug a program; use technology purposefully, safely and respetfully RE Unit 3 Why are some stories special? Unit 6 How do we live our lives?
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea – Year 2 English Writing: Range of fiction; non-fiction and poetry Planning to write; improve writing; proof reading and reading aloud Reading: See list for recommended books Listening to contemporary and classic poetry, stories and non-fiction (level above ind. reading) Develop reading comprehension skills including written work Refer to NC AAG for Phonics and Grammar Mathematics Directions (teach through Geography) and link to Computing Shape: link to History and DT Refer to NC AAG, JC plans, FUNdaMENTALS and Calculation Progression Posters Data Handling teach through Science Science – Sci2b – Animals and Plants in the local environment Sci 2c - Variation 2 Investigations per term Geography Seaside Location Coasts History Travel MFL Little Languages Lessons The Seaside Food by the seaside Role Play Songs Games Stories Art DT Boats PE Athletics and Fielding games RE Unit 3 Why are some stories special? Unit 6 How do we live our lives? Music Use voice expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes; play tunes and untuned instruments; listen to high quality live and recorded music; experiment with sounds Computing Link to Literacy, Geography and Mathematics algorithms; following instructions; create a program; debug a program; use technology purposefully, safely and respetfully Art To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination Sea Monsters (block D)
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea – Year 3 English Mathematics Directions (teach through Geography) and link to Computing Shape: link to History and DT Data Handling teach through Science Refer to NC AAG, JC plans, FUNdaMENTALS and Calculation Progression Posters related ARE Table Olympics Science Plants Animals including Humans AF1: Two investigations per term Music Debussy – La Mer Refer to L. Toomer’s plans MFL La Jolie Ronde Lessons Phonemes: oi and au 2 sessions Bi-lingual dictionaries 4 pieces of written work Jacques Cousteau Art Shipwreck Sculpture 3D model Shoebox Diorama DT Make a boat or a submarine Refer To DT Skills doc. RE Unit 4 – What does it mean to belong to a religion – Christianity Unit 7 – Beliefs and Identity PE Athletics and Fielding games Computing Use WWNet; use search engines; start designing, writing and debugging programs Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly Refer to NC AAG English Refer to NC AAG Writing, Reading, Grammar and Spelling for details Writing: Fiction and non-fiction related to topic Reading: wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction, reference and text books. Develop reading comprehension skills including written work See list for recommended books History Colonisation of the New World Sea travel Geography Latitude and Longitude Time and Climatic zones Continents and seas
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea – Year 3 & 4 English Mathematics Directions (teach through Geography) and link to Computing Shape: link to History and DT Data Handling teach through Science Refer to NC AAG, JC plans, FUNdaMENTALS and Calculation Progression Posters related ARE Table Olympics Science Plants Animals including Humans AF1: Two investigations per term PE Athletics and Fielding games English Refer to NC AAG Writing, Reading, Grammar and Spelling for details Writing: Fiction and non-fiction related to topic Reading: wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction, reference and text books. Develop reading comprehension skills including written work See list for recommended books RE Unit 4 – What does it mean to belong to a religion – Christianity Unit 7 – Beliefs and Identity Music Debussy – La Mer Refer to L. Toomer’s plans Computing Use WWNet; use search engines; start designing, writing and debugging programs Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly Refer to NC AAG Geography Latitude and Longitude Time and Climatic zones Continents and seas History Colonisation of the New World Sea travel Art Shipwreck Sculpture 3D model Shoebox Diorama DT Make a boat or a submarine Refer To DT Skills doc. MFL La Jolie Ronde Lessons Phonemes: oi and au 2 sessions Bi-lingual dictionaries 4 pieces of written work Jacques Cousteau
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea – Year 4 English Geography Latitude and Longitude Time and Climatic zones Continents and seas History PE Athletics and Fielding games English Refer to NC AAG Writing, Reading, Grammar and Spelling for details Writing: Fiction and non-fiction related to topic Reading: wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction, reference and text books. Develop reading comprehension skills including written work See list for recommended books Mathematics Directions (teach through Geography) and link to Computing Shape: link to History and DT Data Handling teach through Science Refer to NC AAG, JC plans, FUNdaMENTALS and Calculation Progression Posters related ARE Table Olympics RE Unit 4 – What does it mean to belong to a religion – Christianity Unit 7 – Beliefs and Identity Music Debussy – La Mer Refer to L. Toomer’s plans Computing Use WWNet; use search engines; start designing, writing and debugging programs Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly Refer to NC AAG History Colonisation of the New World Sea travel Science Plants Animals including Humans AF1: Two investigations per term Art Shipwreck Sculpture 3D model Shoebox Diorama DT Make a boat or a submarine Refer To DT Skills doc. MFL La Jolie Ronde Lessons Phonemes: qu and gn 2 sessions Bi-lingual dictionaries 4 pieces of written work Jacques Cousteau
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea – Year 4 & 5 English RE Unit 4 – What does it mean to belong to a religion – Christianity Unit 7 – Beliefs and Identity PE Athletics and Fielding games English Refer to NC AAG Writing, Reading, Grammar and Spelling for details Writing: Fiction and non-fiction related to topic Reading: wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction, reference and text books. Develop reading comprehension skills including written work See list for recommended books Mathematics Directions (teach through Geography) and link to Computing Shape: link to History and DT Data Handling teach through Science Refer to NC AAG, JC plans, FUNdaMENTALS and Calculation Progression Posters related ARE Table Olympics Music Debussy – La Mer Refer to L. Toomer’s plans Geography Latitude and Longitude Time and Climatic zones Continents and seas Computing Use WWNet; use search engines; start designing, writing and debugging programs Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly Refer to NC AAG History Colonisation of the New World Sea travel Science Plants (NC) Animals including Humans (NC) AF1: Two investigations per term Art Shipwreck Sculpture 3D model Shoebox Diorama DT Make a boat or a submarine Refer To DT Skills doc. MFL La Jolie Ronde Lessons Phonemes: qu and gn 2 sessions Bi-lingual dictionaries 4 pieces of written work Jacques Cousteau
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea – Year 5 English Science Living things and Habitats Animals including Humans PE Athletics and Fielding games English Refer to NC AAG Writing, Reading, Grammar and Spelling for details Writing: Fiction and non-fiction related to topic Reading: wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction, reference and text books. Develop reading comprehension skills including written work See list for recommended books Mathematics Directions (teach through Geography) and link to Computing Shape: link to History and DT Data Handling teach through Science Refer to NC AAG, JC plans, FUNdaMENTALS and Calculation Progression Posters related ARE Table Olympics RE Unit 12 - What does it mean to belong to a religion - Judaism Unit 9 – How should we live? Music Debussy – La Mer Refer to L. Toomer’s plans Art Sea Mobiles Alexander Calder DT Submarines (Deep Seas Refer to HT) Geography Computing Use WWNet; use search engines; start designing, writing and debugging programs Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly Refer to NC AAG History Geography Creeping Coasts and Deep Seas (Refer to HT) History Trade Routes See NC AAG MFL La Jolie Ronde Lessons Phonemes: ai/ è/ ê 2 sessions Bi-lingual dictionaries 4 pieces of written work Jacques Cousteau
Cotford St. Luke Primary School Curriculum Overview Summer 2015 The Sea – Year 6 English Science Living things and Habitats Light Forces Geography History DT Submarines (Deep Seas Refer to HT) PE Athletics and Fielding Games English Refer to NC AAG Writing, Reading, Grammar and Spelling for details Writing: Fiction and non-fiction related to topic Reading: wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction, reference and text books. Develop reading comprehension skills including written work See list for recommended books Mathematics Directions (teach through Geography) and link to Computing Shape: link to History and DT Data Handling teach through Science Refer to NC AAG, JC plans, FUNdaMENTALS and Calculation Progression Posters related ARE Table Olympics RE Unit 12 - What does it mean to belong to a religion - Judaism Unit 9 – How should we live? Music Debussy – La Mer Refer to L. Toomer’s plans Computing Use WWNet; use search engines; start designing, writing and debugging programs Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly Refer to NC AAG Geography Creeping Coasts and Deep Seas (Refer to HT) History Trade Routes See NC AAG Art Sea Mobiles Alexander Calder MFL La Jolie Ronde Lessons Revision of all phonemes 2 sessions Bi-lingual dictionaries 4 pieces of written work Jacques Cousteau