ESF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR LABOUR MIGRATION MATTO – Support Structure for Migration Programmes ” ESF Development Programme for Labour Migration meets Prague Process” Helsinki Tapani Kojonsaari
SHORT HISTORY OF THE LABOUR MIGRATION IN FINLAND very thin tradition for labour migration and multicultural recruiting the debat emerged and the phenomenon was recognized only appr. 15 years ago → (systematic) development of labour migration traditional labour migration routes are short – shores of the Baltic sea substantial integration services mostly for unemployed immigrants
ESF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR LABOUR MIGRATION OBJECTIVES: developing a national guidance system for foreign employees creating a national strategy of attraction creating (an internet-based) module for studying Finnish language and culture for foreign employees guiding employers on recruiting from abroad developing equal working environment together with labour market actors recognizing the needs to adjust legislation
ESF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR LABOUR MIGRATION projects have been implemented since 2008 in different parts of Finland, and their development challenges have been recruitment and labour exchange adjustment of skills retention services o projects for integrating international students -implementing bodies have varied a lot: state officials, educational and municipal organisations, employment agencies, regional development organisations etc. -spreading the knowledge and know-how related to labour migration
ESF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR LABOUR MIGRATION Types of the projects: 1. preparations for labour migration and developing operations models 2. know-how related to recruitment and support for the employers in recruiting process 3. dismounting information for different stakeholders and developing models for supporting employees Major partners: -Development work for international labour migration -EURES -Welfare Service Development Programme HYVÄ
MATTO SUPPORT STRUCTURE Support Structure supports and builds networks, exchanges information, refines and delivers good practices etc. network meetings and conferences o general, thematic, bilateral, on going –communication publications, trainings, evaluation projects are implementing strong cooperation over regional borders cooperation has continued active and project-based
ESF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR LABOUR MIGRATION & MATTO SUPPORT STRUCTURE + -ESF offers resources for experimenting and piloting: new activities are being enabled -Dissemination of the practical experiences -Fast lane for new innovations - -Regional projects vs. national, thematic ESF development work -Commitment of different stakeholders to ESF development programme model; credibility of the project-based development work -Very wide scope of the projects; lack of focus
CHALLENGES OF THE MULTICULTURAL RECRUITING PROCESS IN FINLAND -Finland is not sufficiently attractive? -Thin tradition of multicultural recruiting? -Stability and resources? -Attitudes of the employers and (potential) fellow workers? -Lack of multicultural orientation schemes in the working places? -Lack of public support? -Guidance systems are still not sufficient?
ATTRACTION FACTORS OF FINLAND? -Stable working conditions, reasonable salaries -Innovative working environment, high-grade education -Low level of corruption, confidence (”we do what we promise”) -Environment & nature -Public services, services to families, services to entrepreneurs -Safety