Research Breakout Session Networking Sensor Networks Mobile Devices
How Bring Up Students to speed? Depends on the Site (Generalized vs Focused) Focused: Introductory Class during the first week – 2-3 hours per every morning – Tutorials & Hands-on mini-projects – For everyone? (depends on needed skill sets) Generalized : Topic based Literature Review – For diverse projects: Independent set of related papers
Conferences Local/Regional (e.g., ACM/IEEE Meeting) Grace Hopper, Tapia Diversity Workshops, poster sessions If quality: all venues (IEEE GlobeCom, WCNC,…) IEEE MILCOM (low registration fee for students) Argonne National Laboratory’s Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics
Types of Projects Implementation Project (i.e. on Mobile Devices) Pure research project – Team: Graduate student + REU student Graduate student provides a framework for the project REU students develop some algorithms Mixed Simulation & real implementation
Collaboration Potentials There is potential but it is hard to do due to the geographical distance Potential Collaboration – Student Symposium – Web-Conference
New Development UAV Android App Development