Ms. Plaehn’s 2 nd Grade Expectations
Ms. Plaehn’s Family I am a proud Mom of an amazing junior at Wilson High School who recently started driving! When you see my gray hair you will understand why!
State Standards and Learning Targets
CHAMPS Expectations or PBS The school wide expectations at Whitman are meant to be consistent and a positive way to help students know what is expected of them. We have Expectations written and taught in many areas around the school. Some are on posters as reminders. Some of the areas are the Restrooms, Hallways, Entry to Class, How to Act at Lunch, Exit of Building……
Specialist Schedule
Weekly Homework Expectations Monday to Thursday – Students do Math Homework Side on Math Lesson Page (students do Remembering Side as an Entry Task the Next Morning) Monday to Friday – Reading for 20 Minutes. Students may be read to or you may read with them each night. Please write on the back of the planner sheet the name of the book and one interesting fact about the book. The planner needs to be signed or initialed each night by parent or guardian and returned to school each day. Family Journal Letters are done each Friday and to be returned on Monday. Beginning in October if students do not read each night, they will stay in at recess or reading during break to make up that reading time
Daily 5/ CAFE Daily 5 or CAFÉ is a reading framework that we will be using in our class this year. The goal is to support the students to become independent learners. CAFÉ stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary. We are currently working on building up “Read to Self” reading stamina. As we build up this stamina, the students will have the opportunity to choose what they will focus on for each session.
Daily 5 / CAFÉ Continued Some of the upcoming choices will include: Writing, Word Work, Listen to Reading and Reading With a Partner. Writing – They can choose to work on writing a story in their writing journal. Word Work – The focus will be the weekly spelling words (starting in October) where they will be able to complete a spelling sheet, make the words with magnets, rainbow writing and writing the words on dry erase boards. Listen to Reading – Last year we were able to use “Storyline Online” where the students could choose a story to listen to.
Daily 5 / CAFÉ Continued Listen To Reading Continued – This year we will continue with Storyline Online or Tumble Books Web site. Reading With a Partner – They may choose to read a story with a friend.
Upcoming Learning Adventures We will be starting Math Reflex in the next 2 weeks. I am not sure how much computer experience the students have and we will be working on procedures for using the computers before we start the program. Math Reflex is a program where the students can work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts at their own pace in a game type format. Once it is up and running, they may use this program at home as well. We hope to practice this program three times per week in our classroom.
Learning Adventures Continued On October 15 is our annual Whitman Curriculum Night where there will be opportunities to learn about the many programs at Whitman such as Accelerated Reader, PBS (Positive Behavior Supports), and many more. In October we will be participating in the WSU Elementary Nutrition Program. This week we will begin the Second Step Curriculum with Mrs. Jacot. This program teaches us about ways to solve conflicts, show empathy and much more. In January we will begin keyboarding. This will be an expectation in 3 rd grade when the students will be taking the SBAC State Test. We just want them to get familiar with the keyboard.
TSI / DRA / STAR Class Data We have completed the DRA and STAR testing in our classroom. The data shows that we have 14 out of 23 students that are reading below grade level at this time, 7 students that are reading at grade level and 2 students that are reading above grade level. I am still completing the TSI assessments but I currently have about 5 students who have flashcards that are learning the 300 TSI sight words. We have some work to do!
Reading is Essential!
Volunteer Opportunities Parents and Family Members are always welcome and needed in the classroom. You must have a current Volunteer Form on file at the office to work in the classroom. We have students that are working on addition and subtraction facts, you could do flashcards with them. We have students who are still mastering the TSI Sight Words (the goal is 300 sight words by the end of the year), they have individual flashcards and would enjoy the opportunity to practice them with someone. We also have a computer program where they can practice their words with someone.
Volunteer Opportunities Continued There are students who would love to read an AR book with you and either you can help them read the questions on the computer test or support them as needed as they build up their AR points. You could work one on one or in a small group with students on math facts and supporting them with correcting missing work. We have science twice a week and this is another time to work with small groups of students. If you would like to lead or help out with an art lesson. There are countless opportunities to help out and we need you!
Supplies Thanks to all of the parents who brought in supplies for their kids, we appreciate it! We do have snack each day and another big thank you for all of the parents who have brought in snack so far, we are doing well right now. Please bring in $2 for the Emergency Kit PTA Fund as soon as possible.
It’s Going To Be A Great Year!