The Three (3) Key Factors to Film and Video Production


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Presentation transcript:

The Three (3) Key Factors to Film and Video Production Filmmaking and Video Production #2

Three Parts to “The Movie’s Construction” Review Film Crew / Filmmaking Step by Step/ Project Planning 2013 PowerPoint Notes for Understanding … Pre-Production Production Post Production Writing the Treatment / Writing the Summary / Writing a Script / Drawing a Storyboard Building Production Team / Casting Actors / Filming Scenes of Movie Editing Scenes Together and Creating Movie from Scenes and add Sound and Music

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The Beginning The Middle The End Three Act Structure Act #1 Boy meets Girl / Act #2 Boy falls in love with Girl / Act #3 Boy and Girl go to HS Prom Act #1 Villain attacks City / Act #2 Super Hero attacks Villain / Act #3 City is back to normal Act #1 Nerd tries out for HS School Team / Act #2 Nerd makes the team but does not play / Act #3 Star of team get arrested for drug usage Nerd plays in last game and helps team win !

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Three parts to “The Movie’s Story” The Treatment The film treatment will have a beginning, middle and an end. Generally speaking, the treatments is similar to that of an overview or synopsis of the film idea. CLICK HERE: >>>> How to Write a Film Treatment

Three parts to “The Movie’s Story” The Summary A summary is a condensed version of a text (articles, news, stories), presenting the essence or the pulp of that specific story. It's usually brief, to the point,, discarding a lot of not so significant details. CLICK HERE: >>>>>> HOW TO WRITE A SUMMARY:

Three parts to “The Movie’s Story” The Script Click Here >>>> Writing a Script