How important is faith in our world? Does everyone have faith? All people have a ‘faith’ of some kind. ‘Center of value’: deep-down convictions and.


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Presentation transcript:

How important is faith in our world? Does everyone have faith? All people have a ‘faith’ of some kind. ‘Center of value’: deep-down convictions and commitments around which people organize their lives. ‘Faith’ motivates people, gets them out of bed and shapes how they live their day.

How important is faith in our world? Faith at Work A religion is essentially a community of people of faith. Religion helps people to join with others and ‘put their faith to work’.

Faith finds a home in religion How do religions develop? Most religions begin with a founder (person or group) who had a powerful experience of the Divine (the Transcendent). Personal transformation leads to the development of doctrines or beliefs. Homage and petitions for help lead to worship. Learning how to live one’s daily life leads to moral laws and ethics.

Faith finds a home in religion Does faith need a religion? Religion can help to build unity in a fractured world and lend great spiritual wisdom for life. The Golden Rule is common to most religions: ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’ All major religions that have stood the test of time place central emphasis on the Golden Rule—compassion, love of neighbor, forgiveness and respect.

The Church: The People of God The Church—The People of God The Church was founded by Jesus Christ. The Church is catholic because Jesus Christ, the Savior of all people, is present with her. The Church is catholic because Christ has sent the Church out to the people of all nations to call and gather them into the unity of the one People of God, the one family of God.

The Church: The People of God Church This term refers to the whole Catholic community of believers throughout the world. The term can also be used in the sense of a diocese or a particular parish. USCCA, 507

The Church: The People of God The Church, the People of God, Is ‘One’ in Love The Church is both human and divine, both visible and invisible. The Church is a sign of unity through the presence of a worldwide community of people sharing one Lord, one faith and one Baptism. The Church is a means of unity through her teachings and through her worldwide work for peace and justice. The Church is one. The Church is holy. The Church is catholic. The Church is apostolic.

The Church is the Body of Christ in the world The Church Is One Body—the Body of Christ In the Church every member is vital and inter-related—as is every part of the human body. All members of the Church work together according to their function to continue the mission and ministry of Christ in the world. In the Church each member is invaluable; everyone has gifts, responsibilities to fulfill and a contribution to make. The Church as the Body of Christ cares for all who are in need.

The Church is the Body of Christ in the world The Church: Sign and Instrument of Salvation The Church gives witness to the fullness of God’s Revelation in Jesus. The Church enables us to encounter God’s Revelation and grace through Word and Sacrament. The Church’s nature and mission is to be the sacrament of God’s Salvation in the world. The Church has but one purpose: that the Kingdom of God may come and the salvation of the human race may be accomplished.

The Church is the Body of Christ in the world The Church: Sign and Instrument of Salvation The Church in this world is the sacrament of salvation, the sign and instrument of the communion of God and men. CCC, no. 780

St. Teresa of Ávila Born in Ávila, Spain in Joined the Carmelite convent at age 20. Received many mystical visions of Jesus and wrote about them in several books. Established the ‘Discalced’, or ‘barefoot’, Carmelites in seventeen convents for women as well as many men’s cloisters. Died in 1582; canonized in 1622; proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1969.

Sharing faith with family and friends The Domestic Church The Church, at the Second Vatican Council, echoing an ancient tradition in the Church, described the Christian family as ‘a domestic church’, a community of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and of Christian charity.