Social Innovation: The Logic of With San Sebastian, July 2008 Charles Leadbeater
We Think…
Wikipedia, Linux, ….
Barefoot College, Grameen….
A monsoon of ideas….
Gerrard Winstanley, April 1649, St George’s Hill….
The Levelling: Knowledge, Authority, Power, Economics
Social Innovators: the New Levellers
A single design principle …
With (and by), not to and for…
The to and for world … Knowledge and learning from experts to people Organisations as hierarchies Authority top down, centralised Services that deliver for and do to you Politics that speaks for you, broadcasts to you Value created by transaction and exchange Generating and meeting unmet need/deficits
The with world … Knowledge and learning co-created, ProAm Organisations as networks, partnerships Authority earned peer to peer, distributed Solutions that co-produced, negotiated Politics is your voice in conversation and argument Value created through interaction, lies in between Generating capabilities/building on assets
With is a way of working, an organisational principle, and commits you to a set of values
With values: respect, mutual, reciprocal, democratic
What is the difference between a full life and an empty life?
Relationships with
Expanding and deepening who we work with and how
Dilemmas of scaling with solutions (mass adaptation) or turn them into to and for solutions (with a trace of values in them)
Do with solutions become by solutions
Identify and understand challenges with the people they affect,
Identify and understand challenges with the people they affect, people often done to by government and markets,
Identify and understand challenges with the people they affect, people often done to by government and markets, and develop solutions with them so they have the capabilities to enact them
Identify and understand challenges with the people they affect, people often done to by government and markets and develop solutions with them so they have the capabilities to enact them and take more control of their lives, with one another
Think and Act, With
First, the promise and the purpose
Second, the capacity to act and to learn
Third, to invest, diffuse and embed
Fourth, change relationships of power, knowledge, resources
Innovating the social: remaking it and reassembling it
A different model of social change - transformation by many small steps
Not just a method, set of tools…
The search for ‘Something More’ …
What happened to the Levellers?
No economic/organisational model
Politics turned against them
Their ideas changed the world