Treatment of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy with alcohol ablation Kulić M., Spužić M., Tahirović E., Mujačić V., Šošević A., Perva O., Ćibo M., Zorman D.* Centar za srce, KCU Sarajevo *Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana V Congress of Cardiologists BiH with international participation, Radon Plaza, Sarajevo, may, 2010.
Def. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy – primary genetic cardiac disorder, characterized with massive myocardial hypertrophy, with dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle. Kulić M, Spužić M, Tahirović E et al. Treatment of HOCM with alcohol ablation
Symptoms: Angina, Dyspnea, Syncope, Uncomfortable awareness of the heart beat (palpitations). Kulić M, Spužić M, Tahirović E et al. Treatment of HOCM with alcohol ablation
Treatment: Medicamention; Surgical myectomy; Ventricular pacing; Alcohol septal ablation – PTSMA* (Sigwart method) *PTSMA - percutaneous transluminal septal myocardial ablation Kulić M, Spužić M, Tahirović E et al. Treatment of HOCM with alcohol ablation
Nishimura R. and Holmes D. NEJM :1320 Kulić M, Spužić M, Tahirović E et al. Treatment of HOCM with alcohol ablation
Table 1. Characteristics of patients before PTSMA
Kulić M, Spužić M, Tahirović E et al. Treatment of HOCM with alcohol ablation
Female patient 33 years old, She was taken to Neurological Clinic because of syncope and family history of epilepsy. and family history of epilepsy. After few weeks of treatment with antiepileptic, she had again dyspnea, syncopes and NYHA IV. she had again dyspnea, syncopes and NYHA IV. ECHO IVSs 28mm, LVPWs 22mm, SAM, LVOTPG max 85mmHG, MR moderate, TRPGmax LVOTPG max 85mmHG, MR moderate, TRPGmax 35mmHg. 35mmHg. ECG – HLV, without of heart rhythm disorders. Kulić M, Spužić M, Tahirović E et al. Treatment of HOCM with alcohol ablation CASE REPORT
Started medication therapy (high doses of Beta-blockers – metoprolol) – unsuccessful ! Surgical myectomy – (Morrow method), four years after surgical myectomy without symptoms! After four years again same symptoms like as dyspnea angina, syncope episodes. ECHO IVSd 26mm (on the place surgical myectomy), LVOTPG mean 49mmHg, SAM, MR moderate. Alcohol septal ablation – (Sigwart method). Kulić M, Spužić M, Tahirović E et al. Treatment of HOCM with alcohol ablation
PTSMA video Kulić M, Spužić M, Tahirović E et al. Treatment of HOCM with alcohol ablation
Conclusions Invasive cardiology method, Provides symptomatic relief, Leads to hemodynamic improvement, Refractory on medication therapy, Unsuccessful surgical myectomy.
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