Social Work Month 2015
Wichita Falls, Texas
Dr. James Johnston Dean of the College of Health Sciences & Human Services, Gunn
Satya N. Ayinagadda, Ph. D Chair, Department of Social Work
Gary A. Fashimpar, Ph. D., LCSW-LMFT Professor, Department of Social Work
Dr. Packiaraj Arumugham Associate Professor, Social Work
Adjunct Professor Monica Rojo, LMSW
Lauren Stillson Social Work Department Secretary
Social Work Students Celebrates Social Work Month
Martin Hall Social Work Department
Decorating Martin Hall for Social Work Month
News Channel 3 Media Coverage Social work students discuss the purpose of Social Work Month and invite the public to all of the events planned.
Kick Off for Social Work Month
Preparing for Kick-off
Alumni Laura Holiday Speech on last year’s Social Work Month
Dean of the Health & Human Services College Stephanie Bess – Program Coordinator Erica Mendoza – Assistant Coordinator Dr. James Johnston Dean of the Health & Human Services College
Social Work Students
Free Baked Goods on Campus
Advocacy Day Austin, TX March 3 was Social Work Advocacy Day in Austin. Two MSU social work faculty and about 10 students attended this event. They attended the House Gallery and the Senate Gallery. At 1 pm they had a meeting with Representative James Frank. The students were able to learn how to work with their legislators to make a positive difference.
Representative James Frank Midwestern State University Social Work Students Students studying social work at MSU visited the office this week. We had a lively discussion about social work programs at CPS and schools. It was great to see so many college students engaged with their state government.
Students in the office of Representative James Frank
Leaving our mark at the Spray-paint Park
Rally for a Cause
Social work Month Rally MWSU Social Work Department Invites You to our Annual Social work Month Rally When Friday March 6 12:00pm-2:00pm Where Starting at MPEC Ending at Courthouse Please help us spread awareness about social problems facing our community! Parking available at the Mpec (corner of Lamar & 5th) Food & Beverages will be provided at the courthouse Materials to make signs will be provided Participants are welcome to bring their own signs that addresses a special cause. Contact info: Erica Mendoza (940) 886-7215 Rally Flyer Students posted flyers around the community and campus to invite the public to attend. Students distributed flyers to non-profit agencies inviting them to attend and speak at the Courthouse.
Peace Anwasi, Dr. Fashimpar, Dr. Raj, and Holly Lanier
Social work students marching for social issues.
Hospice supporting Social Work Rally
Public Supporter
Rally down Scott St. Rally gathers at courthouse
Organizations Speak at Courthouse Emily Kincaid First Step Becky Bell Red River
LaToya Reid & Karen Kelton Hospice of Wichita Falls
Climbing the Steps of Justice
Rally Coverage Times Record News The Wichitan
Volunteer Activities During Social Work Month
Volunteer Events Monterey Care Center- Health Day Taking the residents outside for a walk Senior Zumba exercise Dietary class for seniors Healthy snacks provided Faith Mission- Lunch Service Patsy’s House – Pinwheels for Patsy’s House
Monterey Care Center Health Day March 13, 2015
Cameron Tyler, Ryan Alison, Charles Staats
Zumba with Clients Machaela Welch and Ryan Allison