Prison Manage to see through outside but cannot reach. The feeling of trap. Old Jetty Bigger shelter covers the path way. Therefore, the path way is protected by sun and rain. INTERPRETATION OF SITE Project 2 (b) : Individual Work GENIUS LOCI: Site Analysis & Concept Development Khoo Chee Mei
Prisoners’ dining place Prisoners eat outside the prison. Relieve to enjoy eating food from the bored individual prison space. Prisoner’s toilet Prisoners’ toilet that directly connect the ground to the sewage. Connectivity between two component. Project 2 (b) : Individual Work GENIUS LOCI: Site Analysis & Concept Development Khoo Chee Mei INTERPRETATION OF SITE
Ground & second floor plan First floor Plan Ground floor Plan Elevation Section Linear form Entrance Exit Characteristics : 1.2 nd floor acts as shelter of 1 st floor (old jetty shelter) 2.Movable steel plate (create darkness) 3.Unmovable window (unreachable) 4.Skylight (only light source) 5.Wishing Pond (hope for darkness) ORTHOGRAPHIC DRAWING & CONCEPT Project 2 (b) : Individual Work GENIUS LOCI: Site Analysis & Concept Development Khoo Chee Mei
Materials: Steel (Frame and plate) Glass Concrete Model on site (terrain) DIGITAL IMAGE (CONCEPT MODEL) Project 2 (b) : Individual Work GENIUS LOCI: Site Analysis & Concept Development Khoo Chee Mei