Local Involvement Networks in Health & Social Care Essex & Southend LINk Sharon Wheeler Adult & Community Services Strategy & Planning Manager; Older People, Carers & Culture Ian Flack, Project Consultant Council for Ethnic Minority & Voluntary Sector Organisations (CEMVO)
BackgroundBackground Actions to dateActions to date Future relationship between LINk & ScrutinyFuture relationship between LINk & Scrutiny Next stepsNext steps
MAIN AIM OF THE LINk To enable local people (individuals organisations and groups) to influence the planning, commissioning and delivery of health and social care services so as to obtain better outcomes. To enable local people (individuals organisations and groups) to influence the planning, commissioning and delivery of health and social care services so as to obtain better outcomes.
Background Our Health, Our Care, Our Say’ (White Paper, January 2006): more choice and a louder voice.Our Health, Our Care, Our Say’ (White Paper, January 2006): more choice and a louder voice. ‘A Stronger Local Voice’ (DH, July 2006): existing Patient and Public Involvement Forums (PPIFs) to be replaced by Local Involvement Networks (LINks): a wide network of voluntary and community groups and interested individuals who will represent the views of patients and the public.‘A Stronger Local Voice’ (DH, July 2006): existing Patient and Public Involvement Forums (PPIFs) to be replaced by Local Involvement Networks (LINks): a wide network of voluntary and community groups and interested individuals who will represent the views of patients and the public. Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
DUTIES… promoting and supporting the involvement of people in the commissioning, provision and scrutiny of local health and social care services;promoting and supporting the involvement of people in the commissioning, provision and scrutiny of local health and social care services; obtaining the views of people about their needs for, and experiences of, local care services and making these views known to those responsible for commissioning, providing, managing or scrutinising those services;obtaining the views of people about their needs for, and experiences of, local care services and making these views known to those responsible for commissioning, providing, managing or scrutinising those services; making reports and recommendations about how local care services could be improved, to those responsible for commissioning, providing, managing or scrutinising those services.making reports and recommendations about how local care services could be improved, to those responsible for commissioning, providing, managing or scrutinising those services.
…POWERS enter specified types of premises and view the services provided as well as collecting the views and experiences of recipients of services;enter specified types of premises and view the services provided as well as collecting the views and experiences of recipients of services; request information and receive a response within a specified timescale;request information and receive a response within a specified timescale; make reports and recommendations and receive a response within a specified timescale; and,make reports and recommendations and receive a response within a specified timescale; and, refer matters to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) and receive a response.refer matters to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) and receive a response.
LINks REGULATIONS, 1 APRIL 2008 Temporary duty on LAs to make arrangements for LINks’ activities to be undertaken.Temporary duty on LAs to make arrangements for LINks’ activities to be undertaken. Entering and viewing of premises only by authorised representatives.Entering and viewing of premises only by authorised representatives. LINks must have and publish required procedures.LINks must have and publish required procedures. LINks must publish their decisions.LINks must publish their decisions. Service Providers and OSCs must respond to reports and recommendations within 20 working days.Service Providers and OSCs must respond to reports and recommendations within 20 working days.
Partnership Southend Borough Council and Essex County Southend Borough Council and Essex County Council have worked together in partnership to Council have worked together in partnership to establish LINks (originally partnership included establish LINks (originally partnership included Thurrock Borough Council) Thurrock Borough Council) 2 processes 2 processes – Public engagement / consultation on key issues – Public engagement / consultation on key issues - Procurement of a Host organisation - Procurement of a Host organisation Essex have taken the lead on wider consultation, Essex have taken the lead on wider consultation, Southend has led on the procurement of the Host Southend has led on the procurement of the Host
Consultation on key issues Consultation between October 2007 and 6 th Consultation between October 2007 and 6 th December December Established views of stakeholders in order to determine the tender specification Established views of stakeholders in order to determine the tender specification - How many Host organisations should there be (i.e. one - How many Host organisations should there be (i.e. one or one per authority)? or one per authority)? - How many LINks should there be; one or five? - How many LINks should there be; one or five?
Outcome of consultation 56 responses received from questionnaire 56 responses received from questionnaire 75 attendees at 7 evening consultation events 75 attendees at 7 evening consultation events Predominant view 1 Host, 5 LINks model Predominant view 1 Host, 5 LINks model Comments informed the tender specification Comments informed the tender specification Mixed views from Thurrock – Thurrock withdrew Mixed views from Thurrock – Thurrock withdrew from partnership to go out to tender on their own. from partnership to go out to tender on their own.
Procurement of the Host Procurement process started at the same time as consultationProcurement process started at the same time as consultation Results of consultation received and approved by members before the tenders were sentResults of consultation received and approved by members before the tenders were sent Essex CC and Southend BC jointly tendering for a single Host organisationEssex CC and Southend BC jointly tendering for a single Host organisation Key stakeholders informed the specificationKey stakeholders informed the specification Funding:-Funding:- - Essex County Council - £480,000 - Essex County Council - £480,000 - Southend Borough Council - £123,000 - Southend Borough Council - £123,000 –£10,000 towards set up costs Procurement processProcurement process
Procurement Process Established an evaluation panel Established an evaluation panel –PPI Forum Chairs, Older People Interest, Mental Health Interest, Officers from Essex County Council and Southend Borough Council. –PCT areas covered – West, South East, Mid Essex, North East, South West (excluding Thurrock) Agreed Evaluation criteria Agreed Evaluation criteria Received 2 final bids (originally 4 at PQQ) Received 2 final bids (originally 4 at PQQ) Bids assessed Bids assessed Final decision made – 3 year contract awarded 1 st May 2008 to CEMVO (Council for Ethnic Minority and Voluntary Sector Organisations) Final decision made – 3 year contract awarded 1 st May 2008 to CEMVO (Council for Ethnic Minority and Voluntary Sector Organisations)
Stakeholders Stakeholder event 1 st March 2008 Stakeholder event 1 st March 2008 Approx 90 attendees Approx 90 attendees - representatives from Healthcare Commission, Local Authority, various - representatives from Healthcare Commission, Local Authority, various PPI forums, Voluntary & not for Profit Sector, Essex Fire & Rescue Service PPI forums, Voluntary & not for Profit Sector, Essex Fire & Rescue Service Obtained list of interested people to form an initial Obtained list of interested people to form an initial steering group and working parties steering group and working parties Dates set for meetings of working groups and Dates set for meetings of working groups and steering group steering group Start to develop framework documents to assist Start to develop framework documents to assist formation of the LINk formation of the LINk
LINks AND SCRUTINY DoH recommends that OSCs review the Authority’s expenditure on the LINk and the value received.DoH recommends that OSCs review the Authority’s expenditure on the LINk and the value received. LINk will be able to refer matters to the relevant health or social care OSC, which will be obliged to consider and decide how to respond.LINk will be able to refer matters to the relevant health or social care OSC, which will be obliged to consider and decide how to respond. Similarly OSCs will be able to refer to the LINk for views, etc.Similarly OSCs will be able to refer to the LINk for views, etc. Both the LINk and OSCs will be involved in Local Authority and NHS consultation exercises.Both the LINk and OSCs will be involved in Local Authority and NHS consultation exercises. Potential for overlap (but also cohesion!) in putting together work programmes and local public engagement exercises.Potential for overlap (but also cohesion!) in putting together work programmes and local public engagement exercises.
CHALLENGES FOR LOCAL LINk AND SCRUTINY Developing a protocol for referrals by the LINk to Scrutiny.Developing a protocol for referrals by the LINk to Scrutiny. Ensuring that the LINk relates appropriately to Scrutiny, Executive and Commissioners.Ensuring that the LINk relates appropriately to Scrutiny, Executive and Commissioners. Developing efficient means of sharing information etc.Developing efficient means of sharing information etc. How to ensure that overlap is avoided and cohesion promoted in proposed review of services?How to ensure that overlap is avoided and cohesion promoted in proposed review of services? Developing shared understanding if respective roles in formal local health and social care consultation exercises.Developing shared understanding if respective roles in formal local health and social care consultation exercises. Is there any merit in the LINk having a co-opted seat at OSCs, and vice-versa?Is there any merit in the LINk having a co-opted seat at OSCs, and vice-versa?
KEY QUESTIONS How does the committee need to adjust its ways of working to relate effectively to the LINk?How does the committee need to adjust its ways of working to relate effectively to the LINk? How will the committee deal with formal referrals to/from the LINk and what processes need to be put in place?How will the committee deal with formal referrals to/from the LINk and what processes need to be put in place?
Next Steps The Essex and Southend LINk held its inaugural public meeting at Chelmsford City FC on Saturday 28th June.The Essex and Southend LINk held its inaugural public meeting at Chelmsford City FC on Saturday 28th June. AgreedAgreed – a governing document, policies and procedures for the LINk –the location of offices for CEMVO - the LINk Host organisation The option chosen made more money available for LINk development and outreach work. CEMVO is now working with LINk participants to implement the structure for the LINk described in the chosen governing document, recruiting staff and aiming at widening participation so that the LINk is able to deliver its important role in improving health and social care provision for the people of Southend on Sea and Essex.CEMVO is now working with LINk participants to implement the structure for the LINk described in the chosen governing document, recruiting staff and aiming at widening participation so that the LINk is able to deliver its important role in improving health and social care provision for the people of Southend on Sea and Essex.
Contact Details for the Host CEMVO CEMVO BOARDMAN HOUSE 64 BROADWAY STRATFORD LONDON E15 1NG BOARDMAN HOUSE 64 BROADWAY STRATFORD LONDON E15 1NG Ian Flack, Interim Project Consultant, Tel Ian Flack, Interim Project Consultant, Tel Anne Villegas, Interim Project Manager, Tel Anne Villegas, Interim Project Manager, Tel