Czech Republic Prague Zlín Bohemia Moravia Established: January 1, 1993 (after partition of Czechoslovakia) Number of population: Population density: 131 on one square kilometer
2005 The university town of Zlín founded: 13th century population: people the administrative center of the Zlin region the birthplace of Tomas Bata, the founder of the colossal Bata Shoe concern
New building U5 – Faculty of informatics
2005 University organization structure Rector Faculty of management and economics Faculty of Multimedia Communications Faculty of technology Halls of Residence and Refectories Congress Centre Central Library University Institute Rectorate Faculty of Applied Informatics ‘06
2005 Academic staff in UTB in Zlin Full prof Assoc prof Senior lecturers Lecturers Lectors Scientific staff Total number
2005 Number of students in /62000/12001/22002/32003/42004/52005/6 Doctoral Master Bachelor
2005 Faculty of Technology
2005 Faculty of Technology Bachelor’s & Master’s Degree Programmes: Chemistry and Materials Technology Chemical and Process Engineering Chemistry and Food Technology Engineering Informatics Process Engineering Economics and Management Doctoral Degree Programmes: Chemical and Process Engineering Chemistry and Materials Technology
2005 Faculty of Management and Economics
2005 Faculty of Management and Economics Bachelor’s & Master’s Degree Programmes: Economics and Management Economic Policy and Administration Doctoral Degree Programme: Economics and Management
2005 Faculty of Multimedia Communications
2005 Faculty of Multimedia Communications Bachelor’s & Master’s Degree Programmes: Media and Communications Studies Fine Arts
2005 University Institute
2005 University Institute Bachelor’s Degree Programmes: Pedagogy Specialization in Pedagogy Medical Studies
2005 Research and Development Projects overview for 2004 FACULTYNUMBER OF PROJECTS Faculty of Technology43 Faculty of Management and Economics6 Faculty of Multimedia Communications3 University Institute2 TOTAL54 Acquired financial resources in 2004: CZK EUR
2005 International cooperation Number of international projects: 23 in total Running projects: 5th framework programme EU: 1 6th framework programme EU: 2 Czech-Chinese projects: 8 Czech-Slovene projects: 2 Czech-Russian projects: 1 Czech-Italian projects: 1 Czech-American projects: 1 EUREKA programme: 1 SOCRATES programme: 2 Leonardo da Vinci programme: 2 CEEPUS programme: 1 AKTION programme: 1
2005 Investments New library and cultural centre (in preparation)