Potassium is a soft, silver white metal that was discovered in England in 1807 by Sir Humphrey Davy. Potassium's name came from the English word potash. Potassium binds to other minerals and is isolated from other elements by electrolysis, (where electrical energy splits up the ore into its constitutional elements). It is used as a nutrient for plants and animals, for medical purposes, and for industrial reasons.
Sodium is an alkali metal that is bright and silvery. It is soft and highly reactive. It was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy in Sodium compounds are used in the glass, soap, paper, textile, chemical, petroleum, and metal industries. Sodium is not found free in nature. It is obtained commercially by the electrolysis of dry fused sodium chloride.
Aluminum is a silvery-white metal which was discovered by Hans Christian Oersted in Denmark in Aluminum is used for packaging, including food packaging and drinks cans, foil wrappings, bottle tops and foil containers. Aluminum is also used for plane bodies. Aluminum extraction process occurs in two main steps. Firstly the aluminum ore is mixed with the sodium hydroxide which the oxides of aluminum and silicon will dissolve, but other metals will not. These metals can then be removed by filtration. Carbon dioxide gas is then given through the remaining solution, which forms weak carbonic acid neutralizing the solution and causing the aluminum oxide to separate, but leaving the silicon impurities in solution. WWW,
Zinc was discovered in 1746 by Andreas Marggaf. Zinc has a bluish silver color. Zinc is used to galvanize other metals to prevent corrosion. It is used to form alloys such as brass, bronze, nickel silver. Zinc is used to make die castings for use in the electrical, automotive, and hardware industries. Days ago zinc was produced by reducing calamine with charcoal. Nowadays zinc is obtained by roasting the ores to form zinc oxide and then reducing the oxide with carbon or coal, followed by distillation of the metal.
Gold was known since prehistoric time. Gold is used making jewelry and gold plated decorative items. It is also used for making currency. There is also some important industrial and scientific uses for gold. An example of this is a thin-coating of gold that astronauts use on their visors to protect their eyes from solar radiation. Gold is used in computers, communications equipment, spacecraft, and jet aircraft engine Gold has many different ways of extracting it from the earth. One is hard rock mining, another way is by pouring very acidic solutions on the rocks and soil which will result in melting everything expect the gold.
Iron was known since prehistoric times.(known for about 2000 years) Iron is an important to all humans as it is present in the hemoglobin which is essential for all of us because it carries the oxygen in the blood.
Who discovred it and when? no-one really knows who discovered it, just that it was discovered around 3,000 B.C. Archaeological say that people have been using silver for at least 5000 years. Uses of silver? Silver was one of the earliest metals used to make coins. Silver has a couple of uses in health. For example, silver sulfadiazine is a very powerful compound used to treat burns, and silver is sometimes used in tooth fillings. Silver is also used for tableware. Example for spoons forks and knifes How is silver extracted? Silver is mined through a series of mines known as an open cut mine, a shaft mine, and a panning. It is extracted from copper & lead ores. These ores are first crushed and then smelted.