M ATH P ROJECT Why Should we pay? Tax started when we first had recorded history. Taxes is used as a fundraiser for money to run the government. Tyler and Michael
H ISTORY OF T AXATION Taxes was first imposed when the Greeks started taxing travelers to get money to run the army. The Egyptians all so taxed imported good. The Romans all so figured out how taxes everything.
A GREE OR D ISAGREE WITH TAXATION ? We agree with out taxes we wouldn't be able to pay for our military efforts in the Middle-East. We also wouldn’t be able to pay for airport security which is necessary for our safety. With out taxation our country would continue to get bombed and we couldn’t fight back.
A RKANSAS Sales tax rate:6.0% How they use the revenue: oil and gas wells
T EXAS State sales tax: 8.25% How they use their revenue: gas and school
C ALIFORNIA Sale tax in California in 8.25%, They use their for:, fuel, alcohol, tobacco,
C OLORADO The sale tax is 2.9% Motor vehicles
M ONTANA No sales tax
W ISH L IST Xbox Apple Ipod Super mario bros. wii Ipod touch Nintendo dsixl
“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 1 Xbox360 Reg. price $ Tax $18 Total cost in Arkansas I wont have to bug you for yours!!!!!
“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 2 Apple ipod Tax Total cost I have something to do if my gameboy dies!!!
“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 3 Super mario bros. wii Tax 4.12 Total cost Fun for the whole family!!!!
“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 4 Ipod touch Tax 8.70 Total There’s an app for that!!!!
“W ISH LIST “ ITEM 5 Nintendo dsixl Tax no tax Total I wont have to bug you for your laptop!!!