1 E-infrastructure in Baltic States and its Application in Astrophysics Gražina Tautvaišienė Institute of Theoterical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius.


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Presentation transcript:

1 E-infrastructure in Baltic States and its Application in Astrophysics Gražina Tautvaišienė Institute of Theoterical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University Gražina Tautvaišienė Institute of Theoterical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University

BalticGrid in one slide ■ Partners: 10 Leading institutions in six countries in the Baltic Region and CERN ■ Budget: 3.0 M€ over 30 months ■ Coordinator: KTH PDC, Stockholm ■ Start: 1 November 2005 SA - Specific Service Activities NA - Networking Activities JRA - Joint Research Activities

BalticGrid Objectives ■ Sustainable integration of the research and educational computing and communication infrastructure in the Baltic States into the European Grid infrastructure. ■ Enable the formation of effective research collaborations in the Baltic States, within Europe and beyond. ■ Enabling an efficient sharing of unique instruments and data.

BalticGrid Approach ■ Maximize use of human resources for Grid development and deployment by implementing the Baltic Grid as an extension of EGEE  Grid Operations coordinated with the EGEE North European Regional Operating Centre ■ Assure manageable co-existence with other European Grids  NorduGrid, DEISA, CrossGrid,… ■ Engage the Baltic States in Grid related policy and standards activities

BalticGrid Partners ■ Estonian Educational and Research Network, EENet  The Network operator in Estonia. ■ Keemilise ja Bioloogilse Füüsika Instituut, NICPB  Estonia's research institute in high-energy physics, chemical physics and biophysics. ■ Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sci., IMCS UL  Hosts LATNET, the Latvian academic network operator, and is the GEANT partner in Latvia. ■ Riga Technical University, RTU  Leading university in Latvia. ■ Vilnius University, VU  Leading university in Lithuania. ■ Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, ITPA  Largest Lithuanian research institute in astronomy and fundamental physics. A host of the first computer.

BalticGrid Partners (cont.)  Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, PSNC  Responsible for the Polish network PIONIER. Partner in CROSSGRID, GridLab and European Grid Support Centre. Member of the Globus Alliance ■ Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kracow, IFJ PAN  Research institute in high-energy and subatomic physics. Partner in CROSSGRID and EGEE. ■ Parallelldatorcentrum at Kungl Tekniska Högskolan, KTH  Leading technical university. EGEE Northern Europe Regional operating centre. Leads the EGEE Security JRA. Founding member of the Globus Alliance. Founder of the European Grid Support Centre. ■ CERN  Leading European Centre in High-Energy Physics and Grid technologies. Leader of EGEE.

BalticGrid Infrastructure in Numbers ■ 29 sites (more than 15 certified) ■ 2018 CPU cores ■ 210 TB storage ■ 1M compute hours in last 12 months ■ 4 local active Virtual Organisations (balticgrid, litgrid, gamess, biit) ■ 2 EGEE VOs (cms, lhcb) ■ Sites are running gLite

Highlights ■ Lithuania: VU AMD Opteron cluster  144 cores  4GB memory per 4 cores ■ Lithuania: VU SGI Itanium  64 cores  64 GB shared memory ■ Estonia: NICPB AMD Opteron cluster  96 cores,  4GB memory per 4 cores  35TB of storage ■ Latvia: IMCS UL AMD Opteron cluster  20 cores  4GB memory per 4 cores, Infiniband interconnect  10TB of storage

Network Status ■ All sites are connected using NRENs and GÉANT backbone ■ 1Gbps links are established to all sites

Activities ■ Networking Activities  NA1: Management of the I3  NA2: Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach  NA3: Application Identification and Support  NA4: Policy and Standards Development ■ Specific Service Activities  SA1: Baltic Grid Operation  SA2: Network Resource Provisioning ■ Joint Research Activity  JRA1: Account Service Level Agreements Markets and Dynamic Account Management

Relationship to EGEE and other projects ■ Middleware  gLite ■ Infrastructure  EGEE ■ Applications  Application Pilots  Regional Special Interest Groups ■ ETDO  Own activities as well as join(t) activities with EGEE(-II), ICEAGE, BELIEF ■ Policy Issues  eIRG  GGF  EUGridPMA

Baltic Grid users ■ Issues certificates for all Baltic States ■ Active certificates: 280  User certificates: 196  Host or service sertificates: 84 ■ RA networks  Estonia 7  Lithuania 6  Latvia 3

Local Virtual Organizations ■ balticgrid VO  Catch-all VO for all users from Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania  259 registered users ■ Litgrid VO  Lithuanian users ■ GAMESS  Material Sciences VO ■ BIIT  Bioinformatics research group from University of Tartu

■ Vilnius University (coordinator) ■ Kaunas University of Technology ■ Vilnius Gediminas Technical University ■ Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy ■ Institute of Physics ■ Institute of Mathematics and Informatics ■ Vytautas Magnus University ■ Institute of Biotechnology ■ Institute of Psychophysiology and Rehabilitation ■ The BGM company ■ we expect more partners to follow next year Partners of LitGrid consortium

Clusters for LitGrid: ■ VU MIF (3 clusters) ■ VGTU (1 cluster) ■ KTU (1 cluster) ■ ITPA (3 cluster) ■ FI (1 cluster) ■ VDU (1 cluster) ■ PRI (1 cluster) ■ IBT (1 cluster) ■ MII (1 cluster) ■ BGM (1 cluster) ■ about 300 CPUs: Intel-32, Itanium –64, Sun Sparc

LitGrid aims to develop products and services: ■ LitGrid operational infrastructure and support ■ the development of parallel and distributed algorithms ■ grid deployment of datasets ■ the education and dissemination services for LitGrid ■ the group of software developers for analysis, design and implementation of algorithms for the grid infrastructure ■ the administration and management services for LitGrid The LitGrid project

SIG: Stellar Spectra Computing The synthetic spectra modeling

Within the framework of the BalticGrid project the Stellar Spectroscopy group of the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius university has upgraded and gridified a program package for the synthetic spectra modeling and is using it for: ■ Chemical analysis of Galactic Red clump stars ■ Chemical analysis of open clusters in the Galactic disk ■ Investigation of chemical evolution of the Galactic thick disk ■ Chemical analysis of stars in neighboring galaxies ■ Analysis of chromospherically active stars

The GAIA space observatory will produce a huge amount of data, so we need to be prepared to analyze them. SIG: Stellar Spectra Computing

EGEE’07, Budapest, October 4, SIG: Stellar Spectra Computing Input parameters are asked by the input generation script. ******************************************************* ***** Shell script of automatic file generation ***** ***** for astronomic computations on BalticGRID ***** ******************************************************* =========== Input parameters of shell script ========== Base name of JDL and script files = test Number of processes = 3 Name of common *.int file name = int Compilator dependent source file = spec_g77.tar.gz FWHM of the first convolution profile = 80 Profile type for the first convolution = 2 Flux-scale of the first convolution = 1 FWHM of the second convolution profile = 0.01 Profile type for the second convolution = 4 Flux-scale of the second convolution = 1 ============= Loop for writing files ============== A user should not care about any SH and JDL files. The Migration Desktop is available A user should not care about any SH and JDL files. The Migration Desktop is available

Migrating Desktop version of SYNTSPEC ■ Special user friendly graphical interface ■ Based on Java ■ System independed (Linux, Unix, BSD, MAC, Windows !)

The output of the application is two columns of numbers The output of the application is two columns of numbers SIG: Stellar Spectra Computing

The user friendly SYNTSPEC ■ All command line functionalities ■ No need of special knowledge of lcg or gLite middleware interface ■ Visualization of the output

More information ■ – general ■ infosite.balticgrid.org – resources available infosite.balticgrid.org ■ ca.balticgrid.org – Baltic Grid CA, could be shared with other grids ca.balticgrid.org ■ support.balticgrid.org – Baltic Grid support support.balticgrid.org ■ litgrid.lt – LitGrid general ■  Grazina Tautvaisiene