Left Brain Vs. Right Brain Left brain analytical calculations Process language – written and oral Quick literal interpretations
Right brain Visual spatial superiority Making inferences Sense of self
Linear Vs. Holistic Processing left side of the brain processes information in a linear manner. It processes from part to whole The right brain however, processes from whole to parts, the left brain processes in sequence the approach of the right-brained student is random Sequential Vs. Random Processing
Symbolic Vs. Concrete Processing right brain, on the other hand, wants things to be concrete The left brain has no trouble processing symbols. Logical Vs. Intuitive Processing left brain processes in a linear, sequential, logical manner If you process primarily on the right side of the brain, you use intuition
Verbal Vs. Nonverbal Processing Left brain students have little trouble expressing themselves in words Right brain students may know what they mean, but often have trouble finding the right words. Reality-Based Vs. Fantasy-Oriented Processing The left side of the brain deals with things the way they are-with reality right brain student is creative
Right Hand 90 % of people Process speech with left hemisphere Left Hand 70 % process with left hemisphere 30 % with right or even use both