Promoting Health and Safety Education In Canadian Post Secondary Teaching Institutions Chemistry Industry Association of Canada Western Leadership Group Meeting May 16, 2014 – Calgary, Alberta Tony Pasteris, President, Minerva Canada Dr. Anis Haque, University of Calgary, Faculty of Engineering
Outline What is Minerva Canada? Minerva Canada Program Deliverables Summer Institutes, Learning Forums Case Studies Teaching Modules Opportunities -- CIAC Western Leadership Group Closing Remarks 2
What is Minerva Canada? Not for profit organization focused on advancing Health and Safety Education in post-secondary teaching schools -- main focus is Engineering and Business Schools Only organization of its kind in North America –Beginnings with NIOSH, CSSE, IAPA –Founding industry sponsors: Imperial Oil, DuPont, General Motors Volunteer Board of Directors and Working Group from industry, academia, government, and Health and Safety Associations -- includes representatives from DuPont, Imperial Oil, Trimac, Nova, Shell Minerva financial sponsors from industry and Ontario government Minerva H&S deliverables include free H&S Learning Forum workshops for professors, student awards and projects, case studies, and student Teaching Modules – over 370 students, professors involved so far in Minerva awards programs, over 500 professors in workshops Useful health and safety resources, case studies for academia, industry, and government provided by Minerva Canada, free of charge 3
Minerva’s Current Sponsors include: Ontario Ministry of Labour Workplace Safety and Prevention Services Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals Canadian Society for Safety Engineering Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Chemistry Industry Association of Canada Mirarco BASF Lanxess Universities of Calgary, Toronto Imperial Oil Limited Bruce Power Shell Canada Nova Chemicals Canada Post DuPont Canada General Motors of Canada CF Industries ERCO Worldwide H.L. Blachford TRIMAC Transportation Services Chemtrade Logistics 4
Recochem Rohm & Haas MEGlobal Nexen Suncor Cognis Canada Field Chemicals Technology Dow Chemicals PetroCanada Williams Energy Minerva Past Sponsors Include Many Other CIAC Member and Oil Industry Firms 5
Minerva Canada Summer Institutes, Learning Forums 3 day Institutes first started in 2004 in Sarnia with chemical eng. professors – hosts included Dow, Imperial Oil, Nova Business School Institutes in day Institutes at University of Toronto and Calgary −all engineering disciplines, some business profs, focus was on H&S concepts, technology, systems, PSM, codes, standards −numerous presenters from CIAC member firms One day Learning Forums introduced in 2013, 2014 and hosted at 8 different universities, colleges in NS, Ontario, Alberta –Focus is now on use of Minerva Teaching Modules in the curriculum Over 500 professors exposed to Minerva Institutes, Forums since
Minerva H&S Case Studies 25 case studies found on the Minerva Website –Covers various themes and topics—16 real cases incl. GM, SNC, Dofasco, Inco, CP –Each one prepared by a university professor, an industry host and $7,000 funding from Minerva per case study Well utilized by business, engineering professors –Document identifies possible usage in courses Case studies include instructor notes Minerva guidelines in place for their development Case studies will support future H&S teaching modules 7
8 Minerva Canada Health & Safety Teaching Modules Background: Project initiated by Minerva in 2011, designed to address health and safety education gaps found in Engineering Schools Full curriculum-- professors not always comfortable teaching H&S New CEAB requirements on safety, risk management Industry asking for better trained grads on H&S
9 Minerva Canada Health & Safety Teaching Modules Project design completed in 2012 – unanimously endorsed by Canadian Engineering Deans Two surveys conducted to understand industry needs – valuable CIAC member firm participation provided. Existing university / college health & safety programs, courses identified Integration into existing courses proposed 1-3 hour teaching modules proposed, many to be on-line 22 modules identified initially, core and discipline specific Engineering schools decide when / how to integrate over the four years of engineering Guest speakers to assist in delivery, if requested Modules include a quiz and to be student tested before finalized
10 Minerva Canada Health & Safety Teaching Modules Basic electrical safety module prepared for Minerva by Ontario Electrical Safety Authority for first-year students in 2012 Can be integrated into Ontario Work Smart Campus, an online tool on H&S fundamentals Eleven modules began development with 8 universities and industry, Mitacs support in 2013 with six now in draft mode – includes PSM reviewed by CIAC PSM group Round 2 modules (11) will start development in 2014 with 9 universities and industry, Mitacs support
Minerva Canada H & S Student Teaching Modules “Phase 1 modules with completion in 2014 ” MODULES Ethics, Public Safety, Prof Responsibility (1) Hazard, Risk Identification (1) Risk Assessment Models (1) Risk Management (1) Codes, Standards, Regs (1) Process Safety Management (2) Radiation Safety (2) Robotics Safety (2) Fire, Dust Hazards and Explosions (2) Electrical Safety, Hazardous Energy (2) Nanotechnology (2) UNIVERSITY U of Manitoba U of Toronto Laurentian Western Ryerson U O I T Dalhousie U of Calgary INDUSTRY SUPPORT APEGM DuPont Canada E. Alp & Assoc. Xstrata Nova Chemical Imperial Oil Bruce Power General Motors Nova Chemicals ENMAX WSPS (1) : Core module for all engineering disciplines (2) : Discipline specific (2 or more engineering disciplines) Above excludes Electrical Safety Hazards module prepared for 1 st yr students, along with Work Smart Campus as core modules 11
Minerva Canada H & S Student Teaching Modules “Phase 2 modules with completion in 2015 ” MODULES Incident Investigation, Causal Analysis (1) Laboratory Safety (1) Leadership, Management Systems (1) Emergency Response, Crisis management(!) Incorporating Safety into Engineering Teams And the Design Process (1) Making the Business Case for Safety (1) Transportation Safety (2) Bio Risk (2) Human Factors Design (2) Advanced Chemistry (2) Field Safety and Design Considerations (2) UNIVERSITY UBC U of Alberta Western Queen’s UOIT Fanshawe U of Toronto U of Waterloo U of Toronto Laurentian INDUSTRY SUPPORT BC Hydro Dow Chemical Imperial Oil Bruce Power Gen Motors of Canada Shell Canada and CSSE Trimac Risk Science International Gen. Motors of Canada Nova Chemicals DMC Mining Services (1) : Proposed Core module for all engineering disciplines (2) : Discipline specific (2 or more engineering disciplines) 12
13 Survey Results 13 1st year: 160 2nd year: 205 3rd year: 90 4th year: 40 Statement: This module has helped me understand why engineers should care about health and safety.
14 Survey Results (Continued...) 14 1st year: 160 2nd year: 205 3rd year: 90 4th year: 40 Statement: I have found a good connection between the basic circuit theories and the issues of safety in engineering.
“ Minerva Canada Welcomes the long standing Partnership and Support it has had with the CIAC ” Future Opportunities with the CIAC Leadership Group in Western Canada Assistance with a 2015 Learning Forum in Alberta or BC Financial Sponsorship of Teaching Modules initiative and creation of a Minerva Western Canada office --- based out of the University of Calgary CIAC Guest lecturers at universities Input, review of future engineering student H&S Teaching Modules 15
Dec-15 Minerva Canada Some Closing Comments Health and Safety education is in all of our best interests. –It’s a need; not a want With its volunteer organization, Minerva Canada believes it has done a great deal to advance this need, but more is needed. Minerva Canada views the CIAC as an essential partner to further advance Health and Safety education in post- secondary teaching schools. CIAC Western Leadership Group can assist Minerva to better position itself within Western Canada. 16