Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 1 Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification Project Closeout Report April 30, 2003
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 2 Executive Summary Technical evaluation of 1U dual Xeon units is complete 18 vendors identified as technically qualified Next step is price/performance bid. Requisition for 48 nodes in division approval now. Will weed down vendors to five.
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 3 Chronology We made contact with 45 vendors in all. 29 vendors attended Jan 28. info meeting 24 vendors submitted acceptable configuration on Feb vendors submitted acceptable benchmarks and were cleared to ship unit on Mar. 4—all got it here by Mar vendors identified as technically qualified
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 4 Procedure Software check – Most points evaluated from benchmark results vendors submitted by before units arrived. Hardware check: – All units opened, checked for quality construction and correct configuration. Pictures taken of all – Electrical and thermal measurements – One vendor disqualified for shoddy construction and bad service explanation of why it was that way.
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 5 Electrical Electric current measured with ammeter at startup, idle, and full CPU load. Current draw ranges: 2.4GHz, A, 2.8 GHz, A, 3.06GHz, A Likely that with purchase of 2.8 or 3.06GHz machines we can only have seven machines per circuit, not eight as in the past. Those with higher current draw also tend to have more fans and be better internally cooled. Bright side—This current similar to 750MHz machines bought 3 years ago, 2.5x the performance for the same current. Table in the final report.
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 6 Thermal Measured T from front to back of unit for all. Used internal temperature probes on each unique type of case. All units in evaluation much cooler than the 1U units bought in FY2002. Due to better thermal characteristics of Intel chip and many more added internal fans and blowers. Still analyzing the data we took but confident that all units are acceptable.
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 7 Performance 3 CPU speeds measured, 2.4, 2.8, 3.06 GHZ, 1000 FermiCycles=PIII 1 GHz. Approximate performance, 1779,2041,2223 Fermi Cycles respectively. 400MHZ vs 533 MHz front side bus is 2.5% effect for farms software, much bigger for QCD. AMD MP Fermi Cycles Performance is projected to faster clock speeds in anticipation that some vendors will bid faster chips.
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 8 Service All had at least one hardware call and one software call. One vendor disqualified because primary service provider listed wouldn’t show up One vendor disqualified due to excessive downtime of machine.
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 9 Rack mount proposal Rackmount proposals evaluated for all Most still using conventional front-to-back cooling, standard rack. Several feature tool-free rails
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 10 Conclusions 18 technically qualified vendors—in alphabetical order Ace, Angstrom, APPRO, ASA, Aspen, Atipa, Concentric, Dell, HP, IBM, Koi, Penguin, Promicro, PSSC, Rackable, Racksaver, Richardson, Western Scientific Price/performance bid will weed them down to five. All technically qualified vendors will be remembered if some of the top five fail to perform, or if special capabilities, such as AMD, desktops, or blades, are needed. Requisition for 48 nodes is at division (32 farms, 16 FNALU). 21 vendors is too many to bring in, will be more discriminating next time.
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 11 Future plans Next evaluation is an evaluation for blade servers, will start in late summer.
Fermi Linux Server Vendor Qualification--Closeout Report 12 Thanks to: Taskforce members: Steven Timm, Margaret Greaney, Stan Naymola, Troy Dawson, Bruce Karrels, Lance Weems, Hans Wenzel, Bob Forster, Phil Lutz, Gerry Bellendir, Adam Walters, Mark Kaletka Other CD support staff (PREP, DCI) who helped get units in and out