Material in this lesson is adapted from : Bray, K., D. B. Snell and R.M. Peters. For Young Musicians Vol 2. Waterloo ON: Waterloo Music Company Ltd., 1967.
That is … It is the simplest chord in music. A triad consists of any given note with notes a third and a fifth above it. The root … The third … The fifth … … or tonic … or mediant … or dominant
Within the triad, the different i ntervals determine what type or variant of triad you have. The third may be major or minor The fifth may be perfect or diminished or augmented So what are the different triads?
A m ajor triad is a combination of a root, a m ajor third, and a perfect fifth
A m inor triad is a combination of a root, a m inor third, and a perfect fifth
Things to remember: The intervals in the Major and Minor Triads are all consonant, so they are called concords or consonant triads. They are complete in and of themselves. The names of the consonant triads are derived from the size of the thirds used. The fifths in the consonant triads are always perfect.
An a ugmented triad is a combination of a root, a m ajor third, and an a ugmented fifth
A d iminished triad is a combination of a root, a m inor third, and a d iminished fifth
Things to remember: The Augmented and Diminished Triads contain intervals that are dissonant, so they are called discords or dissonant triads. They are incomplete by themselves and need a concord or consonant triad to follow them to relieve the tension they create. The names of the dissonant triads are derived from the size of the fifths used.
MajorDiminishedAugmentedMinor Remember: 1.Major and minor triads have identical fifths 2.Major and augmented triads have identical thirds 3.Minor and diminished triads have identical thirds 4.The root may be any given note
Triads can be built from each note of any scale Can you name each of the triads above, giving its root and what kind of triad it is? F +G -A -Bb +C +D -EoEo
Adam Ricci’s Triad Trainer Adam Ricci’s Chord Ear Trainer