Welcome to Open House Mrs. Cubbage Sorrento Elementary
A day in the life of a 3rd grader… 8:25am Attendance: Please make sure you child is here & on time for school each day. We have many things to cover each day and I would hate for your child to get behind. Morning Work: Assignment will be waiting for them daily Copy new homework daily
Homework Each week the homework assignments will change. Please check the agenda and or newsletter for the correct assignment. I try to have spelling on Monday and Thursday, math daily, and a reading assignment on Tuesday. Students should turn the homework in the following day. Spelling words will be given each Monday.
Agendas All homework and spelling words will be listed in the agendas. If you have a note, please me or send it on a separate sheet of paper. Please do not write it in the agenda. I don’t want to miss anything important.
Rules Children will earn rewards for good behavior and will have consequences for inappropriate behavior. Students will earn rewards individually and as a class. *** I need your support with this. Please follow through with discussions to reinforce good behavior at school. Good behavior is KEY for optimum learning to take place.
FSA Testing Dates Testing dates: March 29 th -30 th ELA March 31 st -April 1 st Math Informational Magazine articles How-to Articles Advertisements Biographies Literary Short Stories Poems Fables/Folktales Narratives
Reading Block Whole Group Reading- Discuss Weekly Story, voc, Spelling, Grammar, strategies, etc… Small Groups- Leveled reading, Small group instruction Center Activities- Daily activities to reinforce skills taught in whole group. Compare/Contrast Author’s Purpose Plot Development Words in Context Figurative Language Cause & Effect Main Idea & Details Point of View Theme
Importance of Reading Nightly Reading and comprehension are the learning foundations for all academic learning. Students need strong reading skills in order to learn in all other subjects. By the end of 3 rd grade, students are expected to be able to read independently. Seventy-five (75%) of students who cannot read by age 9, will struggle with reading throughout adulthood.
Grades Any paper that has a star, smiley face, or check mark, means the paper was corrected but it was not taken for a grade. Report Cards Students will receive letter grades in reading, math, science, and language arts/writing
Writing We will be working on many different forms of writing this year. Please help reinforce legible handwriting when helping with homework. Examples: -Personal Narratives -Informative -Opinion Writing -Persuasive Writing -Letters -Poems
Specials Media Music PE (every other day) Computers 1:09-1:39 Lunch Due to a late lunch, please send a snack everyday
Math This year one of our main focuses is on multiplication and division. PLEASE help your child memorize these facts up to 12. Fractions – number line, part of whole, equivalent Describe & analyze 2D shapes (angles, sides) Data Analysis (construct & read tables, graphs, pictographs) Numbers and Operations Geometry & Measurement TIME All of these are written as word problems and require a high level of thought to compute.
Science This year in Science we will be learning about: Practice of Science The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and Models Properties of Matter Changes in Matter Forms of Energy Energy Transfer and Transformations Organization and Development of Living Organisms Diversity and Evolution of Living Organisms Interdependence Florida Ecosystem with a Focus on Native Plants and Animals
Social Studies This year in Social Studies we will be learning about: Social Studies Developing Map Skills Studying the exploration of the Americas Freedom Week Economics: What does is take to produce goods and services? Learn why government is important in our society Explore the basic principles that are important to the American people Learn about the contributions of famous Americans (i.e. George Washington) A brief overview of the Holocaust
Conferences We are required to have 1 face to face conference this year. The other can be a phone conference. Please let me know if you would prefer a morning or afternoon time. Conferences will be scheduled in October unless I need to speak to you sooner.
Please Remember Check Agendas Daily Check Homework folder or binder for homework and important notes Look for newsletters Any changes in dismissal transportation must be noted in agenda or hand written note.