Definite Articles
Determining gender of a noun GENDER=FEMININE?MASCULINE? What makes something feminine? - when the noun ends in “a”, “ion”, “ad” (or plural form of these: as, iones, ades) What makes something masculine? -when the noun ends in anything else
How to determine if noun is singular or plural Plural= If the noun ends in an “s” Singular=If noun does not end in an “s” How do I make a noun plural? ◦ -add an “s” to a word that ends in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) ◦ -add “es” to a word that ends in a consonant ◦ -if it ends in a “z”, make the “z “ into a “c” and add “es”
Definite Articles El : the Singular/Masculine Los: the Plural/Masculine La: the Singular/Feminine Las: the Plural/Feminine
When assigning a definite article to a noun it must agree with the noun in two ways: ◦ Gender (is it masculine or feminine?) ◦ Number (is it plural or singular?) 1.) Determine if noun is singular or plural 2.) Determine if noun is masculine or feminine 3.) Look at chart and find matching article
EXAMPLE Carros ◦ -carros is plural (it ends in an “s”) ◦ -carros is masculine (it does NOT end in a/ad/ion) ◦ Looking at the chart, the PM article that agrees with my noun is “los” ◦ Los carros : the cars
Decide if the following nouns are singular/plural and masculine/feminine Cuaderno Pupitres Carpetas Pantalla Lápices
Decide what article would go with the following nouns Sillas Libros Ventana Bolígrafo Computadoras
Translate the following phrases using your vocab and definite articles The teacher desks The flag The backpacks The mouse The sheet of paper
Masculine or feminine/Singular or Plural ______ blusa ______ pantalones ______traje de baño ______ vestido ______calcetines ______faldas
Write the correct Definite Article ______ abrigo ______sudaderas ______botas ______zapatos ______gorra ______suéter ______falda ______jeans ______calcetines ______traje
Indefinite Articles
Un: a/an Singular/Masculine Unos: some Plural/Masculine Una: a/an Singular/Feminine Unas: some Plural/Feminine Us e the same rules as for finding what definite article to use: make it agree in gender and number
________ventana ________horarios ________mochilas ________lápices ________libro
Some folders Carpetas- PF Unas carpetas A table Some student desks A pen Some chairs
_______ gorras _______camiseta _______traje _______pantalones cortos _______blusa
The sweater Some shirts A suit The pants The jacket A coat The boots Some jeans Some shoes The bathing suit