Challenging the crisis in scholarly communication: A role for the Open Archives Initiative William J Nixon DAEDALUS Project, University of Glasgow UKSG.


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Presentation transcript:

Challenging the crisis in scholarly communication: A role for the Open Archives Initiative William J Nixon DAEDALUS Project, University of Glasgow UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 A revolution must be wrought in the ways in which we make, store, and consult the record of accomplishment.... It is not just a problem for the libraries, although that is important. Rather, the problem is how creative men think, and what can be done to help them think. It is a problem of how the great mass of material shall be handled so that the individual can draw from it what he needs-instantly, correctly, and with utter freedom. Compact storage of desired material and swift selective access to it are the two basic elements of the problem. Vannevar Bush, Science Is Not Enough, 1967

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Overview Crisis in Scholarly Communication –Origins, Implications and Consequences Open Archives Initiative (OAI) –Origins, Mission and OAI-PMH Institutional Repositories –Evolution, Policies and Issues Glasgow Experience –Create Change, Eprints and DAEDALUS

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Definition Scholarly Communication refers to the formal and informal processes by which the research and scholarship of academics, researchers, and independent scholars are created, evaluated, edited, formatted, distributed, organized, made accessible, archived, used, and transformed.

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 The Crisis is Real You, your colleagues and your students have access to less and less of the published literature in your field Institutions are being forced to cut back on acquisitions because their resources cannot keep pace with price rises There are copyright and re-use issues

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Evolution of this Crisis Incremental by degrees –1960’s – explosion of research –1970’s – Commercial Publishers more involved –1980’s onwards – acquisitions and mergers Harvards and Have-Nots

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Facts and Figures There are currently 20,000 peer-reviewed journals of scientific and scholarly research worldwide, publishing over 2 million articles per year Academic libraries in the UK spent 19% more per fte student to purchase 18% fewer journal titles per fte student in than in While world production of scholarly communication is estimated to have doubled since the mid 1980s, the average research library's journal subscriptions have actually declined by 6%

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Journal Price Index Graph and statistical information compiled from the SCONUL Statistics by LISU, the Library and Information Statistics Unit, based at Loughborough University.

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Library sees Red Dangling red tags are marking periodicals that have one-year subscription rates of $1,000 or higher - Brown University Science Library

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 BOAI Launched 14 February 2002 “accelerate progress in the international effort to make research articles available on the internet.” –Open Access Journals –Open Access Archives 1 st Anniversary, 14 February 2003 –Directory of Open Access Journals –Pilot project to support institutional memberships of Biomed Central

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 The Open Archives Initiative The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. The OAI has its roots in an effort to enhance access to e-print archives as a means of increasing the availability of scholarly communication.

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 OAI-PMH Low barrier interoperability framework based on metadata harvesting Metadata: 15 elements of Dublin Core OAI version 2.0 released in June 2002 Two classes of participants: –Data Providers –Service Providers

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 OAI adopted globally UK: FAIR Programme inspired by the vision of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) Europe: Open Archive Forum Australia: Group of Eight United States: DSpace [MIT]; Caltech CODA; California Digital Library; Carnegie Mellon Funded projects.

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Some JISC FAIR projects E-Theses projects at Edinburgh and The Robert Gordon University HaIRST at Strathclyde SHERPA – Partners with Nottingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Oxford universities Eprints UK – Harvester Service ROMEO Project at Loughborough

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Growth in number of OAI Archives -Tim Brody, ePrints, Southampton University

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Institutional Repositories Maximise the visibility and impact of research for individual researchers Maximise the access to research at other institutions [who follow suit] Provide an opportunity to reduce annual serials expenditures

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Different roles Manage University’s scholarly output Raise the Institutions profile Digital Preservation Golden road of reciprocity [Brody]

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Policies Institutional Policy –Will it encourage self-archiving? Collection Policy –What will be accepted? Submission Policy –Who can submit content? –Will there be editorial control? Metadata Policy –What metadata may be harvested?

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 The Glasgow Experience ePrints pilot service –November 2001 Create Change event –April 2002 DAEDALUS Project –August 2002 – July 2005

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 DAEDALUS Funded until June 2005 Building an Institutional model Partner with the CURL SHERPA Project Core strategic aim for the Library Two strands –Advocacy –Service Development

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Range of Repositories Published and peer-reviewed papers Pre-prints, grey literature, technical reports, working papers Theses Research Finding Aids Administrative Documents Other objects: images, sound files, film clips Search service

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Issues we will explore Cultural –Encouraging deposit –Barriers to use and deposit Organisational –IPR and copyright –Plagiarism Technical –Metadata Standards –File formats

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Range of Metadata Issues Subject schemas Controlled vocabulary Rights Digital preservation OAI-PMH 2.0 stable and focus now ePrints extensions (2 nd OAI Workshop)

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Advocacy – Avoiding ESpace to create an Open Access culture to gather content for the range of Open Archives services to provide advice on policy implications, guidelines and processes of the services to formulate an exit strategy that ensures an embedded and ongoing service

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Academic Concerns Integrity of the work will be compromised That no journal will subsequently publish it That it will break existing copyright agreements with publishers Who benefits? Institutional liability Document formats Collection policies and Quality control - From Project RoMEO Author Questionnaire

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 Strategies Set-up institutional repositories Adopt an institutional policy of self- archiving all research output Discuss, debate and engage your academic colleagues Become the catalyst for “utter freedom” in your institution

Challenging the Crisis in Scholarly Communication UKSG Conference 7-9 th April 2003 DAEDALUS – Freeing Research at the University of Glasgow DAEDALUS