Good to Great Essay writing
Three minute pause… What makes a good writer? What makes a good essay or paragraph? What makes you good?
Knowing what to do Think pair share – How do you start a writing assignment? – Discuss the following with your partner and put them in order of when they should happen 1.Research 2.Check the Emmaus Genre guide for help on how to set out the assignment 3.Rewrite question in own words 4.Take notes 5.Write introduction 6.Work out main ideas from research that will help answer the question 7.Apply feedback to draft 8.Make a list of what you already know about the topic 9.Plan the essay using a graphic organizer 10.Write the essay/report/written assignment draft and get teacher feedback
Planning is key A final draft should take one third of the time allotted for an assignment List down the benefits of planning. List down the things that stop you from planning properly? What is in your control? What is outside of your control? What can you do to make sure you overcome obstacles that stop you from planning properly? Strategy Divide your time into thirds 1. one third research and preparation third planning and drafting third final draft and checking
Research and preparation Rewrite question so you know you understand what you are asked to do mind map Ask the 5W and H questions as you research and record your research on a mind map – add to it as you go along Decide when to stop researching – (when is enough enough?)
Mind map of research for an essay on health
Planning and drafting From the mindmap – – turn each main area into PEEEL paragraphs (use a graphic organiser) – Write your introduction – CAT (use a graphic organiser – Write your conclusion – TAG (use a graphic organiser) Finish early – have it drafted by your teacher – the closer it is to finished, the better the feedback you can expect from your teacher Remember: your job – Your teacher is not your editor! Your teacher is someone who can help you stay on track or indicate where you may have missed the point – please do not expect them to correct your spelling and grammar – that is your job!
Introduction C – Contextualise your essay – restate the question and place it in context A – Arguments – look at the P sentences for your body paragraphs – summarise the main point of each P sentence here in the introduction T – Thesis – what is your overall position or point of view on the topic – this should be in line with your arguments – don’t contradict yourself Body Paragraph There are usually 3 body paragraphs in an essay P – Point – what is the main point of this paragraph E – Elaboration - how does it relate to the question? E – Explanation/Evidence – what information are you going to use to prove your point? E - Explanation/Evidence – what information are you going to use to prove your point? L – Link – summarise the evidence in line with the main point of the paragraph or link this to the next paragraph’s main idea Conclusion T – Thesis – restate your thesis – use the thesis from your introduction – you do not have to use exactly the same words A – summarise your evidence G – General statement
Final draft and checking Rewrite sections identified by teacher as needing to be fixed up Check your references are all included in your reference list Do not rely on spell check or grammar check – always do this yourself Have an adult read over your final draft with fresh eyes.
Critical Friend A useful strategy for improving your writing is to have a critical friend who will respond to your work. Your critical friend could be a peer or a parent or someone you trust who will be honest with you. – Respond to the content of the writing – ask the 5W and H questions to check that your partner understands your main ideas – Respond to the sound of the writing - have you delivered your ideas clearly and without grammar errors – Respond to technical correctness – if your partner feels confident in picking you up on punctuation and spelling – ask them for their help in this area also.