Class Jericho Coffee Morning Welcome! (Bienvenidos!)
This morning Introductions Curriculum Improving prospects by: Reading Spelling SPAG Handwriting Times tables Maths Behaviour and attitude Questions
Introductions Class teacher and Assistant Headteacher – Mr. Bainbridge Teaching Assistant – 1:1 learning support Miss Crofton
Why are we here today? To provide a background to what we’re studying this year Share expectations for 9-10 year olds Have time to ask questions and share ideas for what works well at home
Year 5 whole-year jigsaw On the handout you will be able to see an overview of what children in Year 5 need to be taught over the next year. Some of these objectives are also the same for children in Year 6. Therefore we spread some topics over the two years of ‘Upper Key Stage 2’. In Year 5 there is a big ‘jump’ from the end of Year 4. Therefore, subjects will be taught in a creative way that engages children to avoid gaps in their learning.
Year 5 Curriculum – Autumn 1 English – classic narrative poetry - the Jungle Book (3wks); play-scripts, Twelfth Night (2wks), Non fiction: recount (2wks). Plus additional speaking and listening, grammar, punctuation, spelling and guided reading work Mathematics – Number and place value; mental and written calculations; decimals; fractions; geometry; and problem solving work involving each of these areas of mathematics Science – Living Things (Biology: habitats and classification), Computing – We are programmers (creating animations), R.E. – Story of Jericho, The Bible, Faith Celebration week - Islam P.E. – Swimming (led by swimming teacher) Geography – Rainforests and climates Art – Animal eye sketches, Henri Rousseau and animal/habitat drawing at Chester Zoo Music – ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ (rock music genre) Foreign Languages – Spanish (‘My school, Your school’)
Reading Vital life skill! Needed for all jobs and to raise your child’s prospects they need to... PRACTISE 5 minutes every night 6x5=30 mins per week minimum Write the date in the reading record book, your initials and comments – see example of a sheet in a record card e.g. “Some tricky words today Tom. Now practise ‘glanced’, ‘taught’ and ‘dungeon’.” If there is no evidence, we will remind your child to read and mention this to you when you collect your child. At the end of the year there will be awards/prizes for children who have continuously read during the year.
Reading Then... Ask your child questions based on what they’ve read E.g. “Where was Tiger when he spotted the X bot?” “How do you think Sam felt at the castle?” “What do you think is going to happen next?” “What does _____ mean?” “Would you recommend this book to ________?” “Why?” “Why not?”
Reading We will change books three times a week in school – Monday, Wednesday and Friday Children will take a book review home when they think they are likely to finish a book – this shows their understanding AND will practise writing skills. BUG CLUB Tested on reading at the end of Y5!
Spelling Every week we will send a minimum of 10 spellings to learn. They will be based on misspelt words in class or words that the children are expected to learn by the end of Y5/6 5 minutes practice each day Use look, say, cover, write check to practise Tests on Friday The more children practise, the better they will be. Also, ask children to spot these words in their reading books! For example, ‘fastest finger first’ to include brothers and sisters.
SPaG Spelling – children are expected to certain words Punctuation – know and use a wide range of punctuation in their writing and Grammar – know and use a wide range of different elements of grammar – e.g. nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and much, much more They are tested on SPaG at the end of Year 6 (and through end of year test in Y5) Therefore, we will send home practice sheets each week to reinforce what we’re learning in class. If you’re unsure what we’re asking them to do please ASK!
Handwriting Children are required to write legibly, accurately, neatly and consistently by the age of 9. This requires practice in class every week and backed up at home. Use reading books to provide examples – write with a sharp pencil or handwriting pen in the school homework book at home.
Times tables By the age of 9, children are required to know and apply all of the times tables from x10-x12 Again, we practise these facts in class but daily practice is required at home. This could be on the way to school, the way home from school or on days out etc. They need to be able to recall facts in any order and apply knowledge for division etc. For example: 6x5=30 and so 30÷5=6
Mathematics There are now much more challenging objectives in the Maths curriculum – Roman Numerals, Algebra and problem solving We’ll send home a sheet each week tailored to the area of maths that we’ve studied that week or to gaps that we’ve identified. Bring in the Friday afterwards. Some children will receive additional support from Miss Crofton and will be asked to complete an activity at home. Again, any questions just ASK
Behaviour and Attitude Our school motto is “Living and growing together as children of God.” Therefore, we ask you to support us in maintaining respect between children and adults at school and home. 100% effort in all aspects of school life is expected Children should do their best to achieve their half- termly targets (which will be introduced in the coming week at school). UNIFORM – no trainers except for P.E. as standards begin from the presentation of our pupils. P.E. kits to be in school every week and... Swimming Kits every Wednesday (this half-term)