Academic Intervention Services Dr. Diane Ramos-Kelly, Superintendent Mrs. Ada Jimenez-Parker, Principal Mrs. Elysia Borrelli, Academic Intervention Teacher Mrs. Roseann, Academic Intervention Teacher
Welcome Origins of AIS AIS in VRES AIS Programs Length of Participation Parental Involvement Communicatio n Assessments Exiting AIS
State Mission Statement “Academic Intervention Services help students who are struggling to achieve the learning standards in the English Language Arts and Mathematics in grades K – 12” A guide to Academic Intervention Services By the Congress of Parents and Teachers of NYS and NYSUT
AIS in VRES State Requirements you should know… Determination and Placement Time during the regular school day Push In Program No individualized service plans Parents must be notified in writing for student admittance and exit of program AIS and Regular Teacher availability to meet with parents upon request Quarterly progress reports Qualified Common Branch Teacher Certification
AIS Programs Kindergarten Alphabetic Principle Early Emergent Sight Word Study in conjunction with Balanced Literacy Approach Upper Emergent Sight Word in conjunction with Balanced Literacy Approach Book Behavior Reading Strategies Comprehension Writing Mechanics Utilizing Resources Independency and self- efficiency Growing with Mathematics support in concepts understanding and task performance Thematic Skill reinforcement Teacher and Parent Communication Student self-esteem
AIS Programs First Grade Advanced Sight Word awareness and application during authentic reading and writing Advanced phonetic instruction Book behavior Reading Strategies Writing Mechanics Writing for a multitude of purposes Growing with Mathematics support Thematic skill reinforcement Teacher and Parent Communication
AIS Programs Second Grade Spiraling phonetic reinforcement and exposure Spiraling Reading Strategies Advanced literary content reading Complex comprehension Independence Writing Organization Writing in length Growing with Mathematics Support Communication with teachers and parents
Progress Reports
Exiting AIS When a child demonstrates independence in reaching State Standards - during regular classroom performance - And grade level assessment results
Parental Involvement Reinforce the skills and concepts being learned in the child’s regular classroom Book in a Bag Alphabet Review Family Read Aloud Sight Word Review Positivity “It is only when parents, understanding their child, and the teacher, with knowledge of the pedagogy, child development and the curriculum, combine their efforts that each child will reach his or her fullest potential.” New York State PTA website
Contact Us! Elysia Schaller, Grades K and 1 Roseann Zumbo, Grades 1 and