Purposeful Speaking and Listening.
My goal for today Engage you in a few different purposeful speaking and listening strategies that you can take and adapt to your content area and use in your classes.
Go to your Corner Go to the corner/picture that best describes your teaching style. Once you are in your corner, share why you chose that corner. The ________ represents my teaching style because __________________________. Each corner share one response.
Go to your Corner protocol Great for getting to know you/each other, gallery walk (visuals related to content), common ideas/interests Engaging, movement, group/partner share With your elbow partner, share how you could use this strategy in your class.
Give One, Get One 30 seconds: Write down any purposeful speaking and listening strategies you use in your classroom on the give one side. 2 minutes: Walk around and give one, get one from your peers. Share one idea from your give one and listen to their ideas and if new for you, add it to your get one column.
Give One, Get One Great for brainstorming, sharing ideas, sharing important concepts/content specific. Used at the beginning of a unit to introduce a topic and access prior knowledge and then at the end of the unit as a type of formative assessment/comparison to what they knew before. Gets students up and moving, and sharing ideas with each other. With your elbow partner, share how you will use this strategy in your class.
Dominoes On a post-it, write down everything that comes to mind when you think about Purposeful Speaking and Listening. 30 seconds Everyone stand up. Share one word, phrase or sentence you wrote down. Once you share, sit down. Table Talk: What common words/phrases/sentences did we hear? I noticed that ________________________. I found it interesting that _______________.
Protocol Dominoes/Whip Around Good for exit slips, bell work review, formative assessment, access to prior knowledge when introducing a content, sharing “key vocabulary” circled during critical reading, etc. Quick, everyone speaks, teacher doesn’t talk until finished. With your elbow partner, share how you will use this strategy in your class.
As defined by our district: Purposeful Speaking and Listening is the foundation of reading and writing development in which students, formally and informally, comprehend, express, and exchange ideas for a variety of authentic purposes. Purposeful Speaking and Listening includes : making relevant statements and asking questions; listening actively and responding; sharing personal connections related to the topic; elaborating and explaining. *Why do you think I waited to share the definition with you until now?
As written on our CSIP Improve Student Achievement We provide students with regular opportunities to use Academic Language through Purposeful Speaking in all classes including both Socratic Seminars and Philosophical Chairs across content areas.
Conga Line/Lines of Communication Answer the following prompt on your post-it: Why is it important to embed purposeful speaking and listening into our everyday lessons? In my opinion ____________ because ___________. ____is important because ____________. Number off 1’s and 2’s-Line up Share your response, be sure you listen to your partner because you might have to share! According to my partner ______________. I heard my partner say that __________________.
Conga Line/Lines of Communication protocol Great for extending beyond text, expressing opinion, using content vocabulary, listening to other ideas/opinions. With your elbow partner, share how you could use this strategy in your class.
Review Give One Get One Dominoes Conga Line Go to your corner Table Talk Elbow Partner Just a few quick, easy ways to engage students in speaking and listening. With your table group, discuss how you could take any of these strategies and adapt them to your content area. OR share any strategies you use already. Take-Away – write it down on a post-it.