Coaching in Times of Tight $ and Small Budgets
Please understand the purpose of this presentation and handout is educational. Nothing in either should be construed as specific legal advice for a particular situation. Sound legal advice requires an understanding of all the facts of a particular situation, something that cannot occur in an educational setting.
Objectives 2010 WIAA Coaches School
Objectives To Examine Role of Coach, AD, ASB, District, Parents, Volunteers and Booster Clubs in Funding What are Possible Alternatives to Reduced Coaching Staffs? To Remember the Legal Duties for Coaches Supervision of Students-Don’t Forget This One! Lone Ranger—Make Sure Where Your Tonto’s are!
Who Controls the $? Coaches Salaries Travel Budgets Uniform Costs Officials and Event Supervision
Who Controls the $? Facilities Upkeep & Maintenance Equipment Upkeep & Maintenance Training and In-services for Staff L&I and Accident Insurance
Where Have All the Coaches Gone? Split Squad Practices Do You Cut or Do You Have a Taxi Squad? Does Your District Allow Volunteer Coaches? Split Stipends—Have You Tried Them? Your Farm System for New Coaches
TIMEOUT! Remember: 13 Legal Duties for All Coaches 1. Duty to Instruct Properly 2. Duty to Match Athletes 3. Duty to Condition Properly 4. Duty to Warn 5. Duty to Disclose & Inform—Insurance Info. & Other Info.
TIMEOUT! Remember: Legal Duties for All Coaches 6. Duty to Plan 7. Duty to Supervise 8. Duty to Assess Readiness for Practice/Competition 9. Duty to Maintain Safe Playing Conditions
TIMEOUT! Remember: Legal Duties for All Coaches 10. Duty to Provide Proper Equipment 11. Duty to Provide an Emergency Response Plan 12. Duty to Provide Proper Transportation 13. Duty to Select, Train & Supervise Coaches
SUPERVISION IS NOT A LOST ART!!! Where are most Common Risks? Locker Rooms Before and AFTER Practices AFTER Returning from AWAY Event Summer Camps Internet & Social Media
Who Are Your Tonto’s? Athletic Director Principal Coaching Staff—in season and off season Central Office Risk Management Resources Parents WIAA and League Members
Claims Professionals Personnel Experts Risk Managers