New Milford Public Library December News and Programs December has arrived and so has the start of the holiday season. Here at the Library we have all kinds of great programs coming up, so come visit us! As always, check out our web site, or ask our helpful staff for all the details.
Adult Programs for December 2015 Special Programs Community Service Project Health and Stress Download-ables at the Library Monthly Programs Evening Book Discussion Group Monday Movies at NMPL Friday Forum Science Fiction Book Club Independent Spirit Film Series For further information regarding any of our programs, check our web site at or feel free to ask any of our friendly staff.
Community Service Project December 2015 – March 2016 Calling all knitters and crocheters! The NMPL Knit Wits invite you to participate in our Community Service Project. We will be making Chemo Caps and Prayer Shawls & Lap Blankets for New Milford Hospital and The Diebold Family Cancer Center. For details call Sue Ford or Jody Hyman at the library at for more information.
Health and Stress December 2 at 6:30 PM Kenneth Hoffman will present a natural medicine approach to Health and Stress. Stress affects people physically, mentally and emotionally. Learn about the symptoms of stress, how stress affects the body’s overall health, and what a person can do to relieve stress both at work and at home to feel better and enjoy life more. Registration is requested.
Evening Book Discussion December 7 at 6:30 PM Abby Ripley, a New Milford resident, is the facilitator of this group and has come up with a terrific list of books. The book for December is "Kinder Than Solitude" by Yiyun Li and the library will provide the books. The group is limited to 10 people, so please call x201 to sign up.
Download-ables at the Library December 7 and 21, 2015 This is an open Q&A session for anyone who would like help with our econtent options. Stop by and find out how to use the new app for Axis 360 ebooks, OneClickdigital audio ebooks and our newest offering HOOPLA! Bring you device, your library card and your questions. No appointment is necessary, just walk in.
Monday Movies at NMPL December 14 at 1:00 PM Come view foreign films and discuss them. This month in this free series we will feature "Joyeux Noel". The film is in French with English subtitles. It is rated PG-13 and runs 116 minutes. Light refreshments and a discussion will follow the presentation.
Friday Forum – December 18 at 1:00 PM in Memorial Hall This is our monthly series where we host a mystery book discussion group. This month's book is “The Monogram Murders” by Sophie Hannah. We provide the books and you provide the insight! The group is limited to 15 people, so please check if there is room by calling x203.
Science Fiction Book Group December 21 at 6:30 PM Marilyn Gunerman, a New Milford resident, has graciously agreed to be the facilitator of this group. All book choices are drawn from award winners. The group meets the third (3 rd ) Monday of the month in the Connecticut Room. The library will provide the books. The group is limited to 10 people, so please call to sign up.
Independent Spirit Series December 30 at 6:00 PM Come and join us to enjoy our monthly series of popular, first run movies which lend themselves to lively discussion. Tonight’s movie is: “A Walk in the Woods” Starring Robert Redford, Nick Nolte and Emma Thompson the film is rated R and runs 105 minutes. Bring a sandwich, we'll provide dessert & coffee.