Alternative Work Schedule 9/80
Overview AWS is voluntary and the employee must be in good standing to participate. Department Heads may discontinue AWS by an individual, group or department. 14 day notice to stop AWS. May designate participation once a year. The designation period is in June prior to the start of next fiscal year.
Definitions 9/80 AWS - 8 work days of 9 hours and one work day of 8 hours that total 80 hours during the two work weeks. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Off 9 7:00-4:30 7:00-3:30 4 (end) (start)
Schedule Rules The 9/80 work week begins on the employees 8 hour day exactly 4 hours after the scheduled start time. Example: M-Th 7:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 1/2 hour lunch. Friday 7:00 a.m.- 3:30po.m. 1/2 hour lunch. Work period begins at 11:00 a.m. on Friday and ends at 11:00 a.m. the following Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Off 9 7:00-4:30 7:00-3:30 4 (7:00 to 11:00 end week) (11:30-3:30 start week) (end) (start)
Schedule Rules Once the Regular Day off has been designated, employees may not alter day off. If an employee is required to work on their RDO, employees maybe be asked to change their work schedule for that week so not to exceed the 36 hours.
Time Off Time off for vacation, sick or other paid leave employee will use 9 hours for time taken on a full 9 hour day of work. Time off on the 8 hour day will be used as 8 hours. Holidays are paid at 8 hours per day. Employees will have to use 1 hour of leave time to cover a 9 hour work day. New employees who are not eligible to use FH or Vacation may be advanced the time off to cover the one hour.
Holidays When the holiday falls on either of the last two scheduled days off, the holiday shall be observed on the following work day. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Off 7:00-3:30 4 (end) __________ (start) 9 7:00-4:30 Holiday Observed RDO Off New Holiday Off 8 hours holiday 1 hour Leave
Holidays When the holiday falls on the first of three consecutive days off, the holiday shall be observed on the preceding work day. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Off 9 7:00-4:30 7:00-3:30 4 (end) (start) New holiday 8 hours holiday 1 hour leave Holiday Observed RDO Off
Overtime FLSA Overtime pay will received 1 ½ the regular rate for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in their respective work week. If you work on your RDO, you will be paid time and one half. 9/80 FLSA work weeks do not generally correspond with CVWD pay period, therefore, adjustment to overtime compensation due to FLSA cannot be calculated until the completion of the FLSA work week. Overtime will be paid in the pay period containing the end of the FLSA work week.
Important Notes You can only sign up once a year, so if you don’t sign up now or you drop you need to wait until next June to sign up again. Lunches must be taken promptly at the 4 hour mark on their 8 hour day or overtime will occur.
Benefits of AWS You get 26 extra days off each year! You can increase your vacation leave banks You can schedule appointments on your RDO and not have to take the time off. Helps with Rideshare program by reducing the number of vehicles at work and helps with environment! More relaxed employees!
Now Let’s Get Started! Complete AWS authorization Form. Turn into your supervisor for review Supervisor will create schedules Department Heads will review and approve. Copies sent to HR and payroll Forms due by July 11!